Page 20 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 20

A happy life could turn into a nightmare if the seniors give up their rights over the family home

        Citizens Act, 2007. An important provision in         There is also a very strong feeling of protecting
        the Act relates to transfer of property, which        the family reputation due to which seniors do
        can be made void under certain circumstances.         not report abuse from their children. If seniors
        However, there are several problems that              speak out about what is happening to them,
        seniors face in order to get justice from the         it may be possible for NGOs or others to help
        Tribunal. Firstly, not all seniors are mobile         them. Seniors also need to be educated about
        enough or have the physical or emotional              their legal rights under the Act.
        strength to file a complaint and see it through.      It is also important to create general awareness
        Also, there is often considerable delay in the        about such issues in the minds of people—
        functioning of the Tribunal. So, although there       neighbours, healthcare professionals and
        is legislation for ensuring that seniors are          authorities—who can help the elderly report
        protected, the implementation of the legislation      instances of abuse. Police departments need to
        is far from easy.                                     set up special cells to monitor and reach out to
                                                              the elderly community, giving them the support
        What to do                                            they require to become vocal about their
        For a senior who feels that someone is                problems. The government has a responsibility
        attempting to grab his/her property, it is            to protect the elderly and must put more
        important to talk to someone about it. That           measures in place to ensure that seniors feel
        someone could be your lawyer, doctor, or anyone       confident to report offenders.
        you can trust. There are also helplines set up         Protecting seniors from property-related
        by NGOs for such eventualities. Many seniors          offences remains a difficult task despite the
        do not report such issues out of fear or because      available legislation.
        they are dependent on their abuser in some way.

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