Page 20 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 20

Sethi mohalla
                                                              I had heard of the Sethi Haveli for a long
                                                              time and my guide took me to Sethi mo-
                                                              halla, just next to the bazaar. We entered
                                                              narrow but clean alleys, where there are
                                                              apparently six or seven smaller residences
                                                              of the Sethi family apart from the jewel in
                                                              the crown – the 1884 haveli built by Karim
                                                              Baksh Sethi.
                                                              The main haveli does not have a grand entrance
                                                              – and can be rather disappointing – but once
                                                              you enter, you find yourself in a central court-
                                                              yard with a centuries-old fountain in the middle
                                                              and the colourful windows of bedrooms and
                                                              lounges opening into the yard from all sides.
                                                              The Sethis were traders who migrated to Pe-
                                                              shawar from Bhera in Punjab, during Sikh rule.
                                                              Soon, they were masters of trade routes from
                         Kashiram Sethi                       central Asia to the subcontinent, and their opu-
                                                              lence reflects in the grandeur of this haveli.
                                                              - Omar Mukhtar Khan (Courtesy:

        The troubles begin                                     and Piare’s wife left Pindi. Piare stayed back
        Somewhere in the month of March 1947, the              to gather property papers of the numerous
        first riots were seen all over the country. Hindus     properties that they owned and could only fly
        and Muslims were fighting each other and               back to India in the first week of August.
        there were rumours that the country would               Amolakh Ram who was the richest of the
        be bifurcated into two. And Hindus would               Sethi brothers planned to drive from Pindi to
        leave this part of the country and move to             Amritsar in his Chevrolet car, where his wife
        Delhi. No one knew how the country was going           and children were staying. He made a false
        to be partitioned. The Sethi brothers made             compartment in the seat of his car, where he
        arrangements to move from Rawalpindi to                hid Rs 6 lakh. Between them on the front seat
        Delhi.  Hari Ram already had moved to Delhi.           they had kept two revolvers for safety. It was
        Govind Ram was a film producer and he lived in         decided that Bhushan, who was their driver,
        Mumbai. Jagat Ram was also working in India.           would drive and Amolakh Ram would sit with
        The riot situation had become worse. There             him and they would travel through the night.
        was a mass exodus from the North to Delhi and           Bhushan was the son of one of the family
        Punjab. Saif advised Piare that he should shift        retainers and lived with Amolakh Ram’s
        his family to Delhi. One afternoon Saif came           family since his childhood. He grew up and
        to Sethi home in a Muslim league truck with            they made him their driver. But Amolakh Ram
        teo of his brothers shouting “Muslim League            disappeared and the family presumed they
        Zindabad”. He told the family that he had ten          were killed in transit. The fact is that Bhushan
        tickets for them Sethi on a chartered flight to        shot him in the back when he got down to
        Delhi and they would have to leave in the next         relieve himself. This is the story of my family,
        fifteen minutes. He loaded all of them into his        how a Muslim (Saif) escorted a Hindu family
        truck and escorted them to the airport, ensured        to safety and how a Hindu (Bhushan) killed his
        that they had boarded the aircraft. Piare’s elder      fatherly Hindu employer, all for money. What
        brother Sri Ram, his wife, eight of their children     then is the religion of good and evil?

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