Page 18 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 18

The Sethi  family’s multi-faceted story has been told in A Family of Patriots by KL Johar and Jai Gopal, Harman Publishing House, 1994
        Rai filled in Rs. 10,000 to which Kanshi Ram          testimony could have nailed Hari Ram Sethi. He
        said “Baniya you can’t give and can’t take, I         was the man who carried the bomb from Pindi
        had kept a lakh of rupees for you”. After the         to Ajmeri gate on Hari Ram’s instruction. Hari
        money was given to him Hari Ram added that            Ram got him killed and there was no evidence
        we had kept a lot more money for you, now you         against him and he was let off. As soon as the
        satisfy yourself with this 1 lakh. A lot of the       assassination attempt happened Hari Ram left
        underground revolutionaries came asking for           Delhi and ran away to Calcutta. And returned
        money and Hari Ram at his discretion would            only after he made sure the single eyewitness
        provide funds.                                        was dead.
         The Hardinge bomb case was largely funded             The death of Lala Lajpat Rai had made all
        by the Sethis and Hari Ram Sethi was the              the young revolutionaries itch for revenge
        active participant. Part of this bomb was made        and they planned the murder of JA Scott
        in Pindi and part of it was made in Ajmeri            who was responsible for the lathi charge on
        Gate and reassembled there. Two bombs were            Lajpat Rai and others. Bhagat Singh, Azad
        made in case the first one failed. While Basant       and Rajguru planned the murder in every
        Kumar Biswas, Balmukund, Amir Chand                   detail.  Unfortunately instead of murdering
        and Avadh Behari were sentenced to lifetime           JA Scott they killed a young officer called John
        imprisonment, no evidence could be found              Saunders. As a trustee of the DAV College, Hari
        against Hari Ram Sethi and he was let off.            Ram helped Bhagat Singh, Azad and Rajguru
        During the case there was one witness whose           escape after they had shot John Saunders.

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