Page 23 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 23

The demolished road bridge at Jhingergacha

        For old comrades, it’s a poignant look back at battle days
        and bunkers since the paddy field terrain was         I was commissioned was monumental. Not
        unsuitable for movement of RCL Jeeps.                 to mention that the spark in their eyes was
         Subedar Major and Honorary Captain Babu              justification enough for undertaking that
        Lal Singh, then a platoon Havildar, who also          eventful journey! Need I say more?
        happened to be my weapon Training Instructor,          Except that it’s probably only a soldier or
        was wounded in action while involved in hand-         probably a paramilitary policemen who can
        to-hand fighting. Subedar Major and Honorary          understand the significance of such bonding
        Captain Ram Pyare Singh, then an MMG                  of comrades involved in action. I cherish
        Detachment Commander, supported our assault           and hope to so in future, every moment of it!
        on the objective and later in holdings of defences    For the record, in the battle, we suffered 68
        with his accurate and sustained Medium                killed including 4 officers and 2 JCOS and 130
        Machine Gun fire.                                     wounded and were awarded 3 MVCs, 2VRCs,
         The repeated calls from my comrades beckoned         1 Sena Medal and 3 Mention-in-Dispatches.
        me! So one fine morning in April this year I          Besides this, 8th Battalion Brigade of the Guards
        booked my ticket and flew to Lucknow en route         received Theatre Honour Bangaladesh and
        to Kanpur, where two of them, Ranjit and Babu         Battle Honour Hilli and we were one of the only
        Lal were based. Ram Pyare was a little away. It       3 units who were invited to participate in the
        was indeed a memorable and emotional meeting          Republic Day Victory Parade in January 1972.
        and mere words cannot convey our sentiments.           On Return to Lucknow, I also had the privilege
        Ranjit was admitted in hospital and was in tears      of meeting my old redoubtable CO, Col PPS
        as he hugged me. His failing memory however,          Kshatriya (Retd), ex-Commandant, Indian
        could not recount much of the battle.                 Military Academy, Lt Gen Manvendra Singh
         Babu Lal was also joyful but more in control         and a youngster of yesteryears, now Col Neeraj
        of himself, and he related stories of other           (Retd). Last but not least, my Sahayak Nb Sub
        bravehearts of the unit who had laid down their       Rakesh Singh, from the unit, I was privileged
        lives in the battle. Regrettably, Ram Pyare could     to command, namely 18 Guards. The latter was
        not make it due to unavoidable circumstances.         very happy at meeting his old buddy. All said
        For me, the satisfaction of meeting them after        and done, it was a memorable visit which I
        almost 35 years since I left the unit in which        cannot easily forget!
        23                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Issue #7 |  January 15,  2020
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