Page 27 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 27

room was transformed into a crafter’s studio.
        Beads jostled with medicines, stones and dried
        leaves fought for space with medical equipment,
        Brightly coloured paints, crayons, yarns livened
        up the room and her life. And so began her
        journey, into a yet another, uncharted creative
         “When life gives you scraps make fabric
        jewellery” as someone once said. Rich and
        colourful pieces of brocade and sparkling beads
        mysteriously twisted and turned and gorgeous
        pieces appeared. Beautifully designed and
        trendy jewellery began spilling out of boxes
        as if in a treasure trove. In art Mom found that
        something, where she felt she had absolute
        freedom — the freedom of expression.

                                                              The creative flow was empowering and transformative
                                                               Nicole Krauss beautifully said, “Bravery is
                                                              always more intelligent than fear, since it is built
                                                              on the foundation of what one knows about
                                                              oneself: the knowledge of one’s strength and
                                                              capacity, of one’s passion.”
                                                               The nature of chronic illness is that it is
                                                              ongoing and degenerative. You wake up in pain,
        Twigs, flowers and leaves twisted into magical shapes
                                                              facing another day, deal with debilitating side-
        Spiritual freedom                                     effects and sleepless nights; how can you get out
        Viktor Frankl, a concentration camp survivor,         of bed in the morning? What do you do when
        says in his life-altering book ‘Man’s Search for      you can’t find energy or focus even to begin?
        Meaning’ that man can preserve a vestige of           You never really know what your day is going
        spiritual freedom, of independence of mind,           to look like - how are you going to feel today?
        even in terrible conditions of psychic and            This morning? Later this afternoon? You have
        physical stress because, while everything can be      to learn the pain of losing some of your skills
        taken from him, the last of the human freedoms        in order to experience the joy of creating at all.
        — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of        While it was painful for her to remember what
        circumstances, remains. One finds a higher            she used to be able to do, by not letting that pain
        calling, a meaning in life, which comes from          dictate her decisions, she found joy again and
        purposeful work, love, and courage in the face        began to enjoy her small victories. For as John
        of difficulty. The meaning of life, which differs     Wooden, NCAA basketball coach, says, “Don’t
        from man to man, and from moment to moment,           let what you can’t do interfere with what you
        accrues over time.                                    can do.”

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