Page 28 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 28

Like an alchemist, whatever she touched became gloriously beautiful
        Battle with the self                                  sculpting, the slow and systematic chiselling
        Cancer creates a rupture in a life as we have         away of our childish impulses for tantrums
        known until now. What we think of ourselves,          and for instant self-gratification.” It required an
        our place in world, and our expectations are all      extraordinary force of mind and character.
        shattered.                                             “He who has a why to live for can bear with
         My mother was a person of immense bravery.           almost anyhow,” so what were Mom’s ‘whys’?
        That she was an extraordinary woman is an             Her deep love of art and making beautiful
        understatement. It is very hard to lie on the         things gave a purpose. Her deep unflinching
        verge of life and be a silent observer, where         faith in Krishna, gave her the resilience to
        you were once an active participant in all that       carry on. Whatever He sent her way she
        happened around you. Courage comes in many            accepted, stoically, like His prasad. There was
        forms. For someone as fiercely independent as         a no pitying ‘why me’. Instead the shocking
        my mother, learning to accept her helplessness        diagnosis elicited the response ‘why not me’.
        with grace was an act of courage.                     This acceptance and faith created a sense of
         Struggling every moment, between the ‘I can’t’       tranquillity and serenity. It enabled her to
        of the body and ‘I can and I want to’ of the mind,    transform the sufferings inflicted by life into an
        an epic battle with the self, is a form of heroism.   inner strength. In the vast chaos of uncertainty
         To know that the disease is unrelenting, and         and devastation her spirituality, and reaching
        yet not giving up, shows her tremendous grit.         towards something intangible but deep and
         Looking in the eye, her own mortality,               uplifting, made her the master of the greatest of
        unafraid, she chose to go on with all the physical    all arts - the art of living.
        strength and emotional maturity she could
        summon.                                               Editor’s Note: Vandana Kanoria’s mother passed away
         This resilience was an intensely hard-won            at the age of 81, a few days before the publication of this
        glory, “the product of intentional character-         article.

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