Page 32 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 32

                                                              Caused by tooth root exposure to acids
                                                              from food, root decay is very common in the
                                                              elderly. As the roots become exposed gum
                                                              tissue recedes from the tooth, the root does
                                                              not have enamel protection and makes them
                                                              prone to decay.

                                                              Good habits
                                                              Follow these guidelines to improve senior
                                                              dental care:
        Those with weak or unhealthy teeth may be reluctant to   •Brush twice a day using a toothbrush
        eat high-fibre foods, which in turn impacts their overall
        health                                                with soft bristles and a fluoride-containing
        DIABETES                                              toothpaste
        Severe gum disease hinders the body ability           •Clean your teeth once a day with floss or
        to use insulin. High blood sugar which is an          any other interdental cleaner
        effect of diabetes can lead to gum infection.         •Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash once
        Good oral care can help prevent this                  or twice a day
        condition.                                            •If you wear full or partial dentures,
                                                              remember to clean them on a daily basis
        GUM DISEASES                                          •Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that
        Gum disease is caused by plaque and food              includes dairy and high fibre foods
        left in your teeth in addition to the use of
        tobacco products and unhealthy diets. Gum
        disease can instigate tooth loss and can be
        serious for overall health.

        DRY MOUTH
        Dry mouth can be an effect of taking
        medications and radiation to the head and
        neck area. Saliva keeps the mouth wet,
        which protects teeth decay and prevents
        infection by controlling bacteria, viruses
        and fungi in the mouth. So having a dry               Good dental health means a good overall lifestyle too
        mouth can pose a problem.                             QUIT SMOKING
                                                              Besides putting you at greater risks for
                                                              lung and other cancers, smoking increases
                                                              problems with gum diseases, tooth decay
                                                              and tooth loss.

        You must brush your teeth regularly, and heed your den-
        tist’s advice
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