Page 34 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 34

Weight bearing exercises are divided into two
        types: Low Impact and High Impact

        Low Impact Exercises:
        They have proven to be the safest form of
        exercises for osteoporosis patients which
        involves highest frequency and lower intensity
        of exercises.
        Eg – Elliptical training machines, brisk walks,
        step up machines, low intensity aerobics.

        High Impact Exercises:
        They are to be preferably performed under the
        guidance of an expert and after due discussion
        with the doctor/physiotherapist. If there has
        been a history of bone break/fracture, one needs
        to avoid these forms of exercises.
        Eg – Dancing, hiking, jogging, jumping rope,
        stair climbing, sports activity.

                                                              Exercises such as Tai Chi can improve your postural control and
        Resistance Training                                   balance, helping to prevent falls
        Training with weights is recommended to               posture while performing exercises in standing
        increase the muscle and, consequently, bone           or any alternate postures as wrong posture
        strength. It can be done as progression to weight     increases the load incidence on bone and may
        bearing exercises. An individual moves his body       lead to fracture.
        weight or other heavy objects against gravity.        Eg – A very wide stance while performing
        Eg – Weight-lifting, elastic band exercises, body     squats can lead to pressure on femur bone
        weight lifting (squats, push-ups) functional          leading to its fracture.
        movements (marching movements).

        Posture Guidance                                      Balance training exercises when incorporated
        An individual should be careful about the
                                                              with other exercise programmes can help
                                                              improve postural control and balance which
                                                              would prevent falls and bone damage.
                                                              Eg – Tai Chi, parallel bar gait training, balance
                                                              board exercises (supported by the therapist).

                                                              Non Weight Bearing Exercises
                                                              Non weight bearing exercises like swimming
                                                              are allowed but not highly recommended, as
                                                              lack of body weight pressure leads to less bone
                                                              stimulation/bone formation.
                                                               Overall, exercises when done properly
                                                              and under guidance of an experienced
                                                              physiotherapist can help the patient to recover
                                                              faster from osteoporosis and its associated
                                                              ailments, along with proper diet, medication
        Before starting high-impact exercise such as sports, consult your
        doctor or physiotherapist                             and supplementation.
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