Page 35 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 35

Once Upon A Time | Advertising

                                                               Patriotism as

                                                               Brand Strategy

                                                               Patriotic branding can make brands
                                                               seem selfless instead of chasing profit
                                                               margins, observes Prabhakar Mundkur

        When I was growing up we didn’t paint our             Namak and to a lesser extent Tata Tea with
        faces with the tri-colour while watching a            Jaago Re. If you look at Tata as a brand, they are
        cricket game but over the years cricket as a          in the best position to do so being an old, trusted
        sport stirs up patriotic feelings like no other.      Indian brand.
        Not surprising, considering cricket along with         I don’t think we have ever had a formal study
        religion and Bollywood are the three key hot          of patriotic brands in India, although several
        buttons for India. Which is why it is so common       brands have pledged their patriotism, but
        for people to paint their faces or wave the tri-      in the US where brands are continuously
        colour in other forms at a cricket match.             studied for their degree of Patriotism, brands
                                                              like Jeep, Hershey’s, Coke, Levis, Ford, Wal-
                                                              Mart, Campbell’s and others have stood out
                                                              as patriotic brands. An annual research study
                                                              finds out which brands were most associated
                                                              with the value of patriotism. Quite often when
                                                              we say American icon I guess what we are really
                                                              referring to are patriotic brands. Largely, it has
                                                              to do with being an American company or really
                                                              being made in the U.S.A. In the 2016 research,
                                                              a national sample of 4,750 consumers, 16 to 65,
                                                              evaluated 248 brands across a collection of 35
         If we go back into our past, brands like Amul        cross-category values.
        (a brand which is a year older than independent        Consumers identified the following brands as
        India) stirred patriotic feelings and much            leading the most patriotic brands of 2016. The
        later of course summed up their brand as the          individual value of patriotism was indicated by
        Taste of India. So did Bajaj with Hamara Bajaj        the brand’s emotional engagement strength. The
        (buland Bharat ki buland tasveer). I think in         percentages indicated the degree of patriotism
        post- liberalised India brands still try to stir      associated with the brand.
        up patriotic pride e.g. Tata Salt with Desh ka        1.Jeep/Disney (98%)

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