Page 36 - Seniors Today Jan20 Issue
P. 36

2.Levi Strauss (96%)
        3.Ralph Lauren (95%)                                  Nike - Patriotic in any country
        4.Ford (94%)
        5.Coca-Cola/Jack Daniels (93%)

                                                              Nike although originating in America, has
                                                              established itself as a truly global brand by
        In India, Bajaj has always been known for its         capturing the hearts of young people in every
        patriotic branding right from the days of the old     country they entered. When it leverages sports
        Bajaj scooter with “Hamara Bajaj”. Of course,         events, it has the distinct advantage of itself
        this was a time when India followed a quasi-          being a sports brand. Their commercial for the
        socialist path which banned banned imports.           Rio Olympics then did just that. It captured the
        Many brands pledge their patriotism on                quintessential Nike values of portraying success
        Republic Day. For example Bajaj with their            as the consequence of merely trying harder and
        Invincible Indians ad a few years ago. It told        combining them powerfully with passion for
        stories of brave Indians who were serving             sport and patriotism.
        society at large with the help of their Bajaj
        motorcycles. The Bajaj V bike is perhaps the          “We’re being sold a brand new idea of
        most patriotic bike in their portfolio because        patriotism. It never occurred to me
        it is made out of the steel of our famed aircraft     that patriotism had to be advertised.
        carrier, INS Vikrant.                                 Patriotism is something you deeply felt.
         A major beneficiary of patriotic branding in         You didn’t have to wear it on your lapel
        recent times, of course, has been Baba Ramdev’s
        Patanjali by embracing the concept of Swadeshi.       or show it in your window or on a bumper
        By taking the anti-multinational stance in the        sticker. That kind of patriotism does not
        brand’s positioning Patanjali has by default          appeal to me at all. ” - Sam Shepard
        become patriotic. In addition, ayurveda
        indicates a ‘back to the roots’ approach which        Sam Shepard, American playwright and writer,
        has been bolstered by Baba Ramdev’s yogic             says it never occurred to him that patriotism
        image giving Patanjali a highly differentiated        had to be advertised. But as we can see from the
        patriotic slant. This also echoes the political       brands of many countries, patriotism is a value
        slogans of the day that includes “Made in India”      that can bring a brand close to its people. It is
        and ‘nationalism’ amongst them.                       an endearing brand value, that if handled well,
        But for a long time, most mass-market brands in       can be exploited for the long term. Patriotic
        India which were the darlings of the man on the       branding has that uncanny ability to make
        street have been patriotic brands. The erstwhile      brands seem selfless, instead of seeming to just
        Hero Motors when it was known as Hero                 chase their profit margins and perhaps this
        Honda, pursued the “Desh ki Dhadkan” theme            might be its most important virtue.
        for many years.                                       No wonder then that marketers the world over
                                                              are pursuing patriotism as a key brand value in
                                                              their brand strategy.

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