Page 31 - Seniors Toady March 2020
P. 31
Respect and
dignity for all
The United Nations Principles for Older Persons are based on fundamental human
rights, and provide specific opportunities for seniors to contribute to society, writes
Sonavi Kher Desai
International human rights law lays down elderly who are capable, need to be provided
certain obligations which States are bound to with opportunities to contribute to society
respect. By becoming parties to international in the later stages of their lives, and to be
treaties, States assume obligations and guaranteed an environment that allows them
duties under international law to respect, to to live with dignity.
protect and to fulfil human rights. States are
obliged to protect individuals and groups, Independence
which include the elderly, against the abuse 1. Older persons should have access to
of their human rights. States are required adequate food, water, shelter, clothing and
to take positive action to facilitate the health care through the provision of income,
enjoyment of basic human rights. family and community support and self-
The United Nations General Assembly help.
adopted the United Nations Principles for 2. Older persons should have the
Older Persons by a resolution dated 16 opportunity to work or to have access to
December 1991. The resolution encourages other income-generating opportunities.
governments to incorporate some principles 3. Older persons should be able to participate
into their national programmes whenever in determining when and at what pace
possible. These principles are based on withdrawal from the labour force takes
fundamental human rights, on the equality place.
of men and women, and of nations, and on 4. Older persons should have access to
the dignity of life. They also take into account appropriate educational and training
the fact that the number of elderly persons programmes.
across the world is rapidly increasing with 5. Older persons should be able to live in
access to advanced medical research and environments that are safe and adaptable
better healthcare facilities. Therefore, the to personal preferences and changing
31 SENIORS TODAY | Issue #9 | March 15, 2020