Page 13 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 13
searching, stop worrying gives love. Such I was lucky to see the movie in London.
deep Indian philosophy presented by non- The courtesan Kamla is a gorgeous creature
Indians I find amazing. It’s a thought that will whose lovely eyes, long aristocratic nose,
stay with you for long, may be a life time. pouty lips, ebony skin and a super sexy figure
The erotic encounters between Siddhartha, is what Indian beauty is all about. Never
played by the handsome Shashi Kapoor and mind about the more profound philosophies
Kamla played by Simi Garewal were badly of “who am I” or “why am I here”. A courtesan
censored in India. Their so called the first time like Kamla can help in settling some of these
was painful devoid of any passion that Kamla troublesome issues.
is supposed to generate.
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love.
It’s all the love you want to give, but
cannot. All the unspent love gathers up
in the corners of your eyes, the lump
in your throat, and in the hollow part
of your chest. Grief is just love with no
place to go.” – Jamie Anderson
Psychologists believe writing about grief
can reduce pain. Research has found that
putting down one’s thoughts about wor-
ries and concerns can help those looking
Share for ways to cope with their grief.
Your While writing requires motivation, ener-
gy and dedication, it’s easy, less stressful
Grief and all one needs is a pen, paper, comput-
er or your device keypad. You don’t have
to talk to anyone about it.
At Seniors Today, we are happy to pro-
vide you a forum to publish your person-
al accounts. Simply mail them to us at ed- with Share Your
Grief in the subject. Please also include
your name and contact number so that
we may contact you in case we wish to
make any clarification. While we would
like you to write the first person account
with your name, we will – needless to
say – not disclose your information if you
wouldn’t like us to.