Page 15 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 15

and giving more effectively. It has over
                                                            8000 members today who, between them,
                                                            have committed to donate nearly three
                                                            billion dollars. It is made up of individuals
                                                            from across the globe. At a micro level, most
                                                            people are favourably deposed towards
                                                            charity in some small measure.
                                                             In a world of opportunity plagued by
                                                            lopsided and uneven access to natural
                                                            resources, education, incomes and
                                                            sustenance, entrenched movements such
                                                            as these are welcome, more so given the
                                                            various countries’ rather lackadaisical or
                                                            inconsistent approach to the impoverished.
          There is nothing new about Giving Pledge          Most countries have fared miserably in
         as a philanthropy initiative except for the        bridging inequalities. The World Bank
         ‘realised billionaires’ coming together to         analyses extreme poverty to mean those
         do something about the gross inequality            who have a daily wage/income of less than
         all around and transform lives. Several            $ 2.29 (at 2021 prices). This is equivalent
         other similar movements or initiatives             to about Rs 175 per day, a poor joke, but
         have preceded it, both in India and                a gross reality in countries such as ours,
         abroad. Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘sarvodaya’               where Niti Aayog estimates 25% of our
         movement advocating welfare of all and             population to be poor. That translates to 350
         Vinoba Bhave’s ‘bhoodaan’ movement                 million or the equivalent of the entire US
         advocating surrender of surplus lands              population. Artificial constructs of extreme
         owned and redistributing it to the                 poverty are a travesty at its worst.
         landless were public appeals to ensure              The other day, I happened to be at a
         mass munificence and alleviation. Not              gathering where several millennials (aged
         just these, decades ago business houses            around 30 +/- in good jobs/vocations
         like Tata, Bajaj, Birla, Wadia and several         ) were present. They were all highly
         others had set up trusts for public good in        educated and passionate about their goals
         the realms of education, skilling medical          in life, especially on their professional
         treatment, upliftment of the poor, etc.  In        and personal front. In the course of my
         November 2009, inspired by the ethicist            interactions with them, I asked their views
         Peter Singer (a Princeton professor, known         about donations and charity. While almost
         for his book, Animal Liberation, where             everyone cognitively recognised poverty
         he promotes  veganism and his essay,               and inequality as real issues needing
         Famine, Affluence and Morality, where he           redressal, they were rather indifferent or
         advocates donating to help the global poor),       uncomfortable discussing it. They had
         two Oxford philosophers, Toby Ord and              diverse views on the subject – some felt
         Will MacAskill, launched “Giving What              that the government is collecting taxes
         We Can”, as an international community of          from them, but is not doing much for the
         people who were committed to giving more,          poor; hence saw it as the government’s

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #34 | APRIL 2022                                                              15
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