Page 14 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 14


         Idam Na Mama

         Donating wealth is not an act of charity, but more a repayment of an
         obligation or an expression of gratitude towards the life forces, writes
         Nagesh Alai

         Most would know about the Giving Pledge,           has led to phenomenal philanthropic
         a movement initiated in 2010 by Warren             interventions leading to succour and
         Buffett, Melinda French Gates and Bill             salvation for humanity at large. This, of
         Gates, pledging to give away majority of           course, does not undermine the yeomen
         their wealth to charitable causes either           services of the millions of NGOs across the
         during their lifetime or in their wills            globe tending and rendering to the needy
         and make the world (not just the US) a             over decades.
         universally better place to live. Essentially,      It is not just billionaires, but even the
         what started as a billionaires’ movement           relatively modest of means like the HNIs
         comprising a few, over time exploded with          and MNIs similarly making a pledge to give
         231(including a few from India) of the             away a majority of their wealth for various
         superrich across 28 countries, signing the         social causes. More the merrier indeed to
         pledge and  committing to give away huge           bridge the gap between the privileged and
         amounts totalling to nearly two-thirds of a        the marginalised. Of course, signing the
         trillion dollars. To the numbers challenged,       pledge has become an event to be posted on
         that is about Rs 50 lakh crore or roughly 25       what else, but the social media. Fame and
         per cent of India’s GDP. Though the pledge         name are the game perhaps, besides a noble
         is more a public moral statement and not a         intent. There is significant peer pressure
         binding one, it has had a ripple effect across     that comes into play as the advocacy is
         shores. No one can deny that the initiative        quite overt.

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