Page 20 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 20

heart disease, diabetes may develop more           indicates that there is still a lot to learn
         serious symptoms.                                  about long lasting heart effects on people
                                                            who have had Covid-19.

                                                            Covid-19 and your nerves —
                                                            If 2020 highlighted anything for us it’s
                                                            that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can affect
                                                            the Olfactory Nerve, causing anosmia
                                                            colloquially known as the loss of smell.
                                                            Long Covid sufferers that have survived
                                                            Covid-19 also have a chance of developing
                                                            Peripheral Neuropathy, a condition that
         COVID-19 and your heart —                          causes damage to the nerves connecting
         While you think you may have escaped the           the brain and spinal cord, approximately
         shackles of Covid-19, it’s still important         ninety days post recovery. The peripheral
         to watch out for long-term complications,          nervous system plays a vital role in
         especially when it comes to your heart.            sending information from the brain and
         People with acute cases of coronavirus             spinal cord to the rest of your body. In
         disease are at risk of type 2 heart attacks,       the case of Peripheral Neuropathy, the
         but it is less common in those who are             peripheral nerves located on the outer side
         unscathed Covid-19 warriors.                       of the brain and spinal cord get damaged,
         - Type 2 heart attacks are more common             causing numbness, weakness and pain
         with Covid-19. This heart attack is the            usually in extremities like the hands and
         cause of increased stress on the heart, such       feet, and some cases of digestion, urination
         as a rapid heartbeat, low blood oxygen             and circulation issues. When the virus
         levels or anaemia caused by inadequate             increases in count after recovery from
         oxygen to the heart muscle.                        Covid-19, and the immune system cannot
         - Covid-19 can also affect the strength of         keep up with the attack, it triggers and
         the heart, especially after severe cases           accelerates inflammation and pre-existing
         of Covid-19. This is more pronounced in            autoimmune conditions, connecting the
         patients with heart disease.                       effects of post Covid-19 and your nerves.
         - Heart failure after Covid-19 is quite rare
         but if you do experience shortness of              Covid-19 and older adults —
         breath, tightness in your chest or swelling        While the Omicron variant has been
         in your lower extremities you should alert         termed as relatively milder than previous
         your doctor who may recommend a cardiac            variants like Delta, some of the Long Covid
         evaluation. A blood tests showing elevated         symptoms are worrisome, especially when
         troponin levels with an abnormal EKG               they last for weeks or longer. This has been
         and chest pain can increase your chances           observed among all age groups especially
         of mortality, elevated troponin levels are a       among older people and people with lower
         sign of damaged heart tissue which can be          immunity levels.
         the result of a heart attack. However, this is      Research has shown that numerous
         not very common after Covid-19. Research           older adults have been diagnosed with

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