Page 21 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 21

conditions which are the consequence of           Covid-19, its variants and post Covid in
         Covid-19 and require medical treatment.           a nutshell —
         Covid-19 is seen to affect vital organs in        People with comorbidities like diabetes,
         older adults and cause symptoms like              hypertension, cardiac diseases, chronic
         fatigue, extreme weakness, brain fog,             kidney disease, elderly, cancer patients,
         cardiac issues, shortness of breath or            patients on immunosuppressant
         breathlessness, sleeping difficulties, body       medication are prone to getting infected
         aches, testicular pain, erectile dysfunction,     severely with Covid-19 or its variants. If
         hypogonadism among males, hair loss etc.          you are among the many Covid-19 warriors
         Be aware and make the connection, seek            a sigh of relief is in place as, in spite of an
         medical advice timely to avoid further            endless increase in the range of Long Covid
         serious complications.                            side-effects, there is confidence among the
                                                           medical community that treatments will be
                                                           available to combat all of these problems.
                                                           Being a Covid-19 warrior and a recent heart
                                                           disease survivor, I can tell you that it was
                                                           not fun at all.
                                                             Be very mindful of your health and even
                                                           though all restrictions have been picked up
                                                           Be vigilant!
                                                           Keep masking up!
                                                           Stay selfishly safe!

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