Page 25 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 25

contains 6 to 7 gms. High fibre is associated      body from the harmful free radicals moving
         with good bowel movements, reducing                around in the body.
         constipation and promoting good gut                 May reduce chances of cancers
         health.  It also aids good bacterial growth         Avocados have certain phytochemicals
         and acts as a natural detoxification agent.        and carotenoids which could help fight
          Foods rich in fibre keep you satiated for         intestinal, breast or cervical cancers.
         a longer time and the in case of avocados,          May prevent osteoporosis
         almost 3 to 5 hrs. This reduces craving for         It is a good source of vitamin K- half an
         mid meal snacks and also helps in weight           avocado can provide up to 18% of your
         loss and weight control.                           daily requirement. Vit K is important not
          Adequate fibre intake is known to lower           only for coagulation, but also aids the
         hypertension, reduce the risk of strokes and       health of bones, preventing osteoporosis.
         help maintain diabetes.                            It maintains the digestion and excretion of
         Helps weight control and weight loss               calcium.
         Foods rich in fibre keep you satiated for a
         longer time- in case of avocados, almost 3
         to 5 hrs. This reduces craving for mid meal
         snacks and also helps in weight loss and
         weight control.
          Weight gain or loss can never be
         attributed solely to any one food- you have
         to select combinations which will work for
         you. For e.g., though avocado is high in fats,
         consuming it in small portions with healthy
         fruit toppings balances the dish.
          Similarly, replacing bacon on your toast
         with avocado will help in weight loss, as
         avocado is richer in monosaturated fats.
         Loaded with monosaturated fatty acids
         Being rich in monosaturated fatty acids
         makes avocados heart friendly- they’re             Reduces depression
         known to reduce chronic cardiac diseases.          Avocados have a rich folate content,
         Half a cup of avocado can boast up to 11 gms       which, besides generally been good for
         of monosaturated fatty acids.                      the body, controls homocysteine levels.
         Relief from osteoarthritis                         Homocysteine is known to cause cognitive
         Avocados contain saponins, which may               dysfunction, alter sleep patterns, and
         reduce osteoarthritic symptoms, especially         impair the delivery of nutrients to the
         related to hip and knee.                           brain.
         Antioxidants                                       Reduces cardiac problems
         Avocados are very good sources of                  Avocados are known to reduce triglyceride
         carotenoids, like lutein, alpha and beta           and LDL levels (bad cholesterol), while
         carotene, to name a few. These act as              raising the levels of HDL (good cholesterol),
         powerful antioxidants, protecting your             thereby reducing chances of chronic

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