Page 14 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 14
left of Krishnan, suddenly went off the Not just about you, but Krishan’s and
track and was hit by a car running at high the twins’ future as well in a potential
speed and sent soaring and crashing some world of your absence. Suffice it to say,
fifty feet away. Krishnan was shocked it deeply touched me and traumatized
and devasted at the accident. Kannan me. We have been class mates since the
was still breathing, though badly injured first year of our college and to confess, I
and mauled. Thanks to a Samaritan who have been smitten by you from the day I
stopped his vehicle, Krishnan could take saw you. The love for you only deepened
Kannan to a close by hospital and attended as time went by. I never had the courage
to by a trauma specialist. The attending to speak of my deep feelings for you nor
nurse came out of the operating theatre speak about it to Krishnan. Close as he
to convey that Kannan is brain-dead, is to me, I was devastated when I learnt
but has been put on life-support and is of Krishan’s similar feelings for you and
being attended to by the trauma specialist much as I did not want to, I stepped back
team. She also handed over to Krishnan, and kept my emotions to myself. I never
Kannan’s bloodied sportwear. Krishnan let my deep feelings for you be known to
was quietly sitting outside the operating either Krishnan or my parents, for obvious
theatre, having informed his parents reasons. My parents had deeply instilled
and Radha about the tragic accident. His in us that the best service is of sacrifice of
parents were to soon join him, while Radha self and this beautiful thinking had stayed
had to be home given her condition and to with me and I have lived my life by that
look after her twin tots. principle. I never felt like marrying anyone
Krishnan, all sombre and pensive, else ever. Call it God’s wish, thinking with
rummaged through the drenched-with- detachment, my heart would be better
blood clothes of Kannan, and discovered placed if it finds a home in your body and
a soggy hand written note, along with lets you live for the sake of Krishnan and
his cell and the house keys. Krishnan the twins and my parents, all of whom
showed them to his parents, who had by are very near and dear to me. I will not be
then joined him at the hospital. Curiosity seeing any of you anymore and I carry with
aroused, with trembling hands, Krishnan me the fond memories of our conversations
read the note. Kannan had been written the and bonhomie yesterday at the family
note that day early morning at 5 am. dinner table. Please do not carry the burden
The beautifully cursive and meticulously of any sense of obligation, all that I will be
written letter read, “Dear Radha, I have doing is out of a deep sense of love for you.
never been good at expansive words nor Please take good care of Krishnan and my
overt expressions of emotions. I need parents and the kids, as my heart keeps
never say that you and Krishnan are very pumping in your being. With much love
dear to me and I have always held you and respect, Kannan”
in high respect. The reality of the past Krishnan and his parents could not
month of your diagnosis and the imminent console themselves at realising the
inevitability of your end, unless a donor enormity of it all and the ultimate sacrifice
heart was found, was sinking in slowly of Kannan by throwing away his life so that
and surely and it deeply troubled me. Radha could continue to live with his heart.