Page 9 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 9
The Government of India has made it Sabse bada rupaiyya!
mandatory for companies to spend on Some popular sayings around money and
charity under the heading Corporate Social life
Responsibility. It’s also a fact that many Jo kare rupaiyya bahan kare na bhaiya
affluent Indians like to give only when it is What money can do, even the brother and
going to be publicly acknowledged – in the sister can’t (Hindi)
papers, in photographs, by public gratitude.
They love being praised while simulating Paise kee jaat nahin poochhee jaatee
embarrassment. Yet, a few business groups Money has no religion, caste or creed
continue to support good causes on regular (Hindi)
basis without the fanfare and the tinsel. The Maal hai toh taal hai
culture of corporate philanthropy though If you have the resources (money) you will
has still to grow in India. have the rhythm (Hindi)
In India, religiosity across the various
cultures and diverse societies help us Gazab hai janaab, paisa aane par toh batua
believe that we are in a situation that GOD bhee phool jaata hai
ordained for us and this is our Karma. It’s amazing how money swells you up
The joy of giving makes us feel good (Hindi)
about ourselves. Majority of middle-class Paisa toh kanjar ke pass bhi hota hai
Indians also believe in giving to the poor. There is no big deal in having money. Even
The beggar who stretches his hand out a prostitute has money (Punjabi)
will not go empty handed. A fair amount
of households support poor relatives. Paiso mero parmeshwar, ne hu paisa no daas
When they have just about enough for Money is god to me and I am a servant
themselves. (Gujarati)
Religion is a calming factor and plays Paisa ke teen naam, Parsoo, Parsaa and Lala
a definite role in happiness and life Parasram
satisfaction. Governments can play an If you are poor you will be called Parsoo, if
important role in making people happy. you are better off, you will be called Parsaa
Different nations have different issues and if you are rich you will be called Lala
similarly happiness can mean different Parasram. Money changes how you are
things to different people. There are some addressed (Hindi)
fundamental uniting principals that make Na baap bada na bhaiya, sabse bada rupaiya
us more likely to feel happy or unhappy. It is neither dad nor brother but money
The sage Kabir sums it up very nicely - “Sai who is the elder (Hindi)
Itna mujhe dijiyo jisme kutumb samaye,
mai bhi bhuka na rahu aur fakir bhi bhuka Astil sheete, tar naachtil bhute
na jaye”. Oh God, give me enough that I If you have money even the ghosts would
can feed my family and that there is also dance (Marathi)
enough to feed to the beggar that comes to Daam kari kaam
the door. This probably is the philosophy Money will perform all the work (Marathi)
of middle class India that survives on just
about enough. Compiled by Haresh Engineer