Page 13 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 13
marriage, Kannan stayed resolutely donation worthy. Given these restrictions,
single and never explained his reasons. the frantic search and spreading the net
Krishnan and Radha were soon blessed through network and contacts, did not
with twin girls, as alike as two peas in a yield any results and time was ticking
pod. Providence was choosy indeed and away like a bomb. The entire family,
scripting their lives. The twin tots grew up immediate and extended, were coping as
in a warm cocoon of not just loving parents well as possible with medical care, support
but doting grandparents and a loving uncle and counselling Radha. She herself chose
in Kannan as well, to whom they meant the to stay stoic and cheerful and going about
world. life as best as possible. Kannan too saw
Their respective lives were otherwise it as a personal responsibility and stayed
picture perfect and running their course closely involved and supported Krishnan
till one day Radha’s health took a bad turn, and Radha and their adorable twin
suffering as she was from atrial septal daughters.
defect ( ASD ), commonly termed as a
hole in the heart. Radha had been treated
for it in her childhood and she had been
leading a normal life. But, of late, she had
started experiencing breathlessness and
extreme tiredness for a quite while which
eventually lead to a mild heart attack. It
was diagnoses as an aggravation due to
the recurrence of another tear or hole in
the heart leading to complications and Krishnan and Kannan were always health
growing weakness. Specialists advised that conscious and the 6.30 AM morning
any medication would only be temporary constitutional was a must-do daily ritual
palliatives with no lasting cure and that for them; jogging 10 km jog along the
Radha would at best have another six highway, close to their home. Careful
months to live. The only probable remedy, as they were, thanks to the measured
albeit not guaranteed, that could perhaps thinking of Kannan, they use to run on the
extend her life by another 10 odd years right side of the highway with the traffic
could be a heart transplant. Krishnan, headed towards them, so that they can
his parents and Kannan were distraught keep a watch on the oncoming vehicles
hearing this and explored the possibility and cautiously stay the course. It was no
of a heart transplant, daunting that it was. different that day, both set out for their
The donor heart has to be necessarily morning jog together at 6.30 am and along
of a person in terminal coma or who is the way started speaking about Radha’s
brain-dead, say due to an accident, where health and the bleak situation. Krishnan
the brain loses all its functions due to and Kannan had always been close to each
the accident trauma, but otherwise the other. Krishnan, given his nature, poured
life hangs on a thin balance and the key his heart out and was inconsolable, while
organs like the heart, kidney, lungs, continuing to jog at slow speed along with
liver etc remain functional and organ- Kannan. Kannan, who was running to