Page 11 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 11

not beget happiness.          But money by itself cannot bring pleasure -
                              However, one has              it’s essential to keep ourselves physically &
                              to understand that            mentally sound to reap the benefits of our
                              money by itself cannot        hard earned money. No amount of treasures
                              bring happiness; it is        can bring happiness unless you choose to be
                              demanded for what it          happy and contented from within.
         can buy and more importantly it cannot              To sum up, money can buy you an
         buy stable relationships, trust and health!        insurance policy but not health - it can gv
         It’s a means to an end and not an END in           you material luxuries but not longevity
         itself”!                                           to enjoy. So please be contented - it brings
         Mohan Krishnan                                     peace & happiness along”!
         Chennai                                            Usha Jacob
                              “It is important to
                              strike an ideal balance                            Imagine a man sitting
                              between accumulating                               in a public park on a
                              wealth and living a                                hot day under a giant
                              healthy quality life                               banyan tree. Imagine
                              resulting in happiness.                            another man sitting in
         Money needs to be the “Enabler” to                                      the comfort of a plush
         happiness rather than a problem you are            AC room overlooking this same public
         saddled with the challenge of managing the         park from the top floor of a grand building.
         wealth and lose your health in the bargain.        They might both be happy for not being hot
         What is the point of having a lot of money         and uncomfortable, but the real question
         and not being able to enjoy life due to ill        is how much do they value this sense of
         health? If you are hungry you need food for        comfort that the tree or the AC provides.
         you cannot eat money. It should not be the          Money can only buy you happiness if we
         state where ’wealth accumulates and men            can learn to truly appreciate it, truly value
         decay’. Don’t run after money, let Money           what it can bring us.
         run after you”.                                    Jayalakshmi
         KV Laxminarayan (Lax)                              Bangalore

                             “Money indeed is
                             extremely important in
                             life - it gives you self-
                             respect, brings a status
                             in society gives you the
                             means to enjoy life. It
        gives you the psychological comfort coz
        even having a maid or aid in advanced age
        with ailments depends on the size of your

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