Page 6 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 6
Cover Story
Can Money Buy You Happiness?
Money allows us to beat the unforeseen bumps on the road. However, if we
only focus on the happiness that moolah can bring, we could be missing
something, writes Vickram Sethi
Money, money, money necessarily the path to happiness. Money
Always sunny is important to happiness ask anyone who
It’s a rich man’s world doesn’t have it.
All the things I could do Those of us who earn too little may be
If I had a little money… unhappy but so are those who earn too
-ABBA much. In fact, having a lot of money is the
root cause of unhappiness. Money can
Ever since the human race understood bring us happiness when it is spent on
and created money, it also created people experiences rather than on things.
who had money and those who didn’t. The The experience of buying an
debate whether money can buy happiness underprivileged child candy or feeding
or not started then and it will continue the underprivileged or even eating a great
till the end of the world. The sage, the meal gives a lot of satisfaction than buying
philosopher and the wise man all maintain an expensive accessory or gadget. The
that money cannot buy happiness. difference is once the accessory/ gadget is
The fact is that money can’t buy bought the happiness graph slowly dips.
happiness is generally a well-accepted Sometimes happiness lies in anticipation
notion. Yet, the reality is that we need of making the purchase rather than
money for living and how we spend it will the outcome of spending money on the
maximise our happiness. Being rich isn’t purchase. The seven days before the lottery