Page 8 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 8
The next day the taxi driver didn’t and lavish vacations. But cash is key in
turn up, it was a holiday and he wanted another important way: It helps people
to be happy. In Bhutan, even a hotel avoid many of the day-to-day hassles that
lobby manager can give a discourse on cause stress as the new research shows.
happiness. Money can provide calm and control,
So can money buy happiness depends allowing us to buy our way out of
on how you spend it? Happiness is a unforeseen bumps on the road. However,
loving family, great friends, a good meal, if we only focus on the happiness that
good health and a decent sum of money. money can bring, I think we are missing
What constitutes a decent sum of money something. It also can free us from many
is a sweet spot that varies from person to other worries. Money reduces intense
person. Yet money in moderation appears stress, also allows an individual greater
to promote most happiness. Perhaps it is control over negative events, higher
not how much money we have but also incomes lead to a higher life satisfaction.
how we value and spend it. What is clear is People with higher incomes are generally
that having more money beyond the point more satisfied with their life. It’s not as
of meeting basic needs is inconsequential, if the rich don’t have any problems but
when compared with a good quality having money allows you to take care of lot
relationships looking after our mental and of things and resolve them quicker.
physical health living meaningfully in line It’s strange that some of the very wealthy
with our beliefs and values. Yet sadly this can only spend money on themselves and
things often get sacrificed in pursuit of not on others. A recent survey has found
more. that India’s rich are stingy. India ranked
Money can buy happiness, reveals a new 106th in a survey of 145 countries and last
study by Nobel-prize winning economist. among the eight countries included from
The research conducted by Daniel South Asia, according to the World Giving
Kahneman and Matthew Killingsworth Index, a study based on surveys carried
from Princeton University and the out by Gallup.
University of Pennsylvania respectively India is poor but so is Myanmar, which
found that happiness tends to rise with ranked the highest in the world for
increase in income and earnings. However, generosity. The US is second, New Zealand
Killingsworth warned in a statement that third, Canada fourth and Australia fifth.
money isn’t everything. It’s “kust one The next five most generous countries are
of the many determinants of happiness. the UK, Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Ireland
Money is not the secret to happiness, but and Malaysia.
it can probably help a bit.” Here again
it is a probable whether money can buy
happiness. Killingsworth concludes that it
is one of many things that can make people
When we wonder whether money can
buy happiness, we may consider the
luxuries it provides, like expensive dinners Corporates are rewarded for being socially responsible