Page 11 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 11
likely to develop other mood disorders. day-to-day activities, such as work, school,
Depression related to medical illness — a social life or their relationships with
persistent depressed mood and a significant others. Some people may feel generally
loss of pleasure in most or all activities miserable or unhappy without really
that’s directly related to the physical effects knowing why. During these episodes,
of another medical condition, such as symptoms occur most of the day, nearly
thyroid disorders, adrenal gland disorders, every day and may include:
benign and malignant brain tumors, stroke, Mental symptoms:
AIDS, Parkinson disease. Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness
Depression induced by substance use or or hopelessness - nothing will ever get
medication — depression symptoms that better and there’s nothing you can do to
develop during or soon after substance improve your situation.
use or withdrawal or after exposure to a Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration,
medication, such as corticosteroids, some even over small matters
beta-blockers, interferon, and reserpine, Loss of interest or pleasure in most or all
can also result in depressive disorders. normal activities, such as sex, hobbies or
Abuse of some recreational drugs (eg, sports
alcohol, amphetamines) can lead to or Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small
accompany depression. Toxic effects or tasks take extra effort
withdrawal of drugs may cause temporary Anxiety, agitation or restlessness
depressive symptoms. Slowed thinking, speaking or body
Peripartum-onset depression- symptoms movements
develop during pregnancy or within Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating
4 weeks after delivery (postpartum on past failures or self-blame
depression); endocrine changes have Trouble thinking, concentrating, making
been implicated, but the specific cause is decisions and remembering things
unknown. Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death,
suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or
Physical symptoms:
Sleep Problems
Depression can affect your body as well as
your mind. Insomnia- Trouble falling or
staying asleep is common in people who
are depressed. But some may find that they
sleep too much.
Chest Pain
Depression can also raise your risk of heart
Although depression may occur only once disease. Plus, people who’ve had heart
during your life, people typically have attacks are more likely to be depressed
multiple episodes. For many people with It could, of course, be a sign of heart, lung,
depression, symptoms usually are severe or stomach problems, so see your doctor to
enough to cause noticeable problems in rule out those causes. .