Page 12 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 12

Fatigue and Exhaustion                             dangerous sports.
         If you feel so tired that you don’t have           Back Pain
         energy for everyday tasks -- even when you         A backache on a regular basis may
         sleep or rest a lot -- it may be a sign that       contribute to depression. And people who
         you’re depressed. Depression and fatigue           are depressed may be four times more
         together tend to make both conditions seem         likely to get intense, disabling neck or back
         worse.                                             pain.
         Aching Muscles and Joints                          Agitated and Restless
         When you live with ongoing pain it can             Sleep problems or other depression
         raise your risk of depression. On the other        symptoms can make you feel this way. Men
         hand, depression can make you feel aches           are more likely than women to be irritable
         and pains hat might not exist or be very           when they’re depressed.
         minimal.                                           Sexual Problems
          Depression may also lead to pain because          If you’re depressed, you might lose your
         the two conditions share chemical                  interest in sex. Some prescription drugs
         messengers in the brain. People who are            that treat depression can also take away
         depressed are three times as likely to get         your drive and affect performance. Talk to
         regular pain.                                      your doctor about your medicine options.
         Digestive Problems                                 Depression symptoms in children and
         Many of us get stomachaches or nausea              teens
         when we’re stressed or worried. This is
         because our brains and digestive systems
         are strongly connected.
          Depression can get you in your gut too
         -- causing nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, or
         Studies show that people with major
         depression are three times more likely to
         have migraines, and people with migraines
         are five times more likely to get depressed.
         Changes in Appetite or Weight                      It’s normal for kids to feel sad, act grouchy,
         Some people feel less hungry when they             or be in a bad mood occasionally; a sad
         get depressed. Others can’t stop eating-           or bad mood lasting for weeks or longer,
         often, depression is associated with eating        accompanied with other changes in a
         disorders, such as bulimia, anorexia, or           child’s behavior, may point to depression.
         binge eating. The result can be weight             If a child is depressed, parents may notice
         gain or loss- a change of more than 5% of          some of these signs:
         body weight in a month; along with lack of          A child may seem sad, lonely, unhappy, or
         energy.                                            grouchy. It can last weeks or months.
          Reckless behavior. Engaging in escapist            A child may cry more easily.
         behavior such as substance abuse,                   They may have more tantrums than
         compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or          before.

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