Page 16 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 16

Cover Stories

         Myths about Depression

        If you suffer from depression or any other mental health illness, know that

        you are not alone and there is always someone who will be willing to help
        you, writes Vinita Alvares Fernandes

         We all feel sad from time to time but              ● Inability to concentrate and focus on
         that doesn’t mean you are depressed.               tasks
         Depression is far more complex than that.          ● Feeling mixed emotions like sadness,
         In spite of being one of the leading diseases      hopelessness, anger, irritability,
         around the world, depression is widely             anxiousness or not feeling at all
         misunderstood.                                     ● Loss of appetite or overeating
          Many myths and misconceptions exist               ●  Thoughts of suicide
         around depression, I’m here to bust them
         which might help you understand this               Misconception #1: Depression isn’t a real
         complex disease.                                   illness
                                                            Just because you can’t physically see a
         Signs & symptoms of Depression                     person suffering from depression does
         ● Constant sadness                                 not mean it isn’t real. All sickness does
         ● Loss of interest in things that once             not need to be tangible. Depression is a
         brought you joy                                    complex mental health disorder that affects
         ● Low levels of motivation, energy                 many people all over the world. Due to the
         ● Fatigue                                          taboos, stigmas and myths surrounding
         ● Trouble sleeping, insomnia or                    depression, a lot of people write it off
         oversleeping                                       as “not a real illness” which can be

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