Page 15 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 15

Alternative treatments                             problem to help prevent depression from
         Some people use natural products,                  worsening
         including vitamin D and the herbal dietary          Maintain ongoing treatment, if
         supplement St. John’s wort, for depression         recommended, even after symptoms let
         Daily morning light therapy is a preferred         up, to help prevent a relapse of depression
         treatment choice for people with seasonal          symptoms
         affective disorder. Light therapy devices          Join a support group.
         are much brighter than ordinary indoor             If you think you are in immediate danger
         lighting and considered safe, except for           of harming yourself, contact any available
         people with certain eye diseases or taking         emergency services or a crisis line.
         medications that increase sensitivity to           Managing a career and depression
         sunlight.                                          Living with depression can generally be
                                                            difficult; managing personal life and career
         Self-care                                          is almost an impossible task. It affects a
         This can play an important role in                 career oriented person in different ways –
         managing symptoms of depression and                Disrupts cognitive functioning –
         promoting overall well-being.                      communication, decision making, leading
                                                            teams and people- all are affected.
         What you can do:                                   Absenteeism – A person suffering from
         Try to keep doing activities you used to           MMD tends to have bad days, where
         enjoy                                              getting too work is difficult. These people
         Stay connected to friends and family. Reach        take more leaves than required.
         out to them, especially in times of stress.        Social norms – MMD forces a person to
         Exercise regularly, even if it’s just a short      regress from social life, avoiding people,
         walk                                               lack of empathy and cooperation.
         Stick to regular eating and sleeping habits        How do you manage?
         as much as possible                                A few steps will help you manage your
         Avoid or cut down on alcohol and don’t use         career, while dealing with depression-
         illicit drugs, which can make depression           Communication with your team, with your
         worse                                              supervisors, is of key importance. Make
         Talk to someone you trust about your               sure they know what you’re going through,
         feelings                                           let them be your support.
         Seek help from a healthcare provider.              Set small tasks – it becomes difficult to
         Remember you are not alone, and that               concentrate on a project for a length of
         many people have gone through what                 time, so set small goals. Achieving them
         you’re experiencing and found help                 will go a long way to giving you incentive.
         Take steps to control stress, increase             Give yourself a break – Its ok to cut
         resilience and boost self-esteem to help           yourself some slack, to give yourself some
         handle issues when they arise                      time off, from stress triggers and deadlines.
         Practice self-care, for example by creating a      It’s important to remember that depression
         healthy sleep routine and using electronics        is not a weakness or character flaw. It’s
         responsibly and in moderation                      a chemical imbalance in your brain that
         Get treatment at the earliest sign of a            needs to be treated.

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