Page 22 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 22

Research has found that, while men                Belly fat
         consume an average of 900 empty calories           Research has shown that people having
         a day, women have over 600.                        an apple shaped body (fat around the
         Ignoring the symptoms                              abdomen) are more susceptible to cardiac
         Sudden breathlessness while climbing the           problems than people with pear shaped
         stairs, a tightening or pain in the chest ,        body (fat around the hips).
         excessive perspiration, or any difficulty
         performing an activity which you can               Correcting measures
         generally perform easily, should raise an          Set goals
         alarm. Very often, we either ignore them           Don’t pressurize yourself into
         or try to pass them off as just being out of       overachieving. Set a milestone, reach it,
         shape.                                             and then aim for more. Reduce your blood
         Avoiding fruits and veggies                        pressure gradually, Try getting adequate
         Our busy schedules and hectic lifestyles           sleep, and try to switch to a healthy diet, if
         make us turn to quick fixes - packaged             you’re not.
         food, fast food on the go. We tend to miss          Get used to one change, before you
         out on the fruits and vegetables that are          introduce another one in your routine.
         essential for us to function in a healthy          Get food conscious
         manner.                                            Always be aware of what you’re eating.
         No flossing                                        Indulge in green, leafy vegetables and
         Studies have shown a tangible relation             fruit- they act as antioxidants as well as
         between gum infection and heart disease.           powerhouses of multivitamins. Have food
         Not flossing your teeth causes plaque              rich in omega 3 fatty acids, they’re very
         formation around the gums and teeth,               good for the heart. Try to include 4 to 5
         leading to inflammation. This, in turn,            fruits and vegetables in your daily diet
         aggravates atherosclerosis and heart               routine.
         disease.                                            Avoid processed and sugary food, too
         Overweight                                         much packaged food and excessive salt.
         Obesity is directly responsible for a              Breads, cakes, chips, for example, should
         number of chronic medical conditions,              be had with caution.
         including hypertension and diabetes and            Exercise
         heart disease.                                     Just an hour of vigorous exercise a day
                                                            isn’t quite enough. You need to keep
                                                            moving throughout the day. Take a walk
                                                            between calls; stretch your legs during a
                                                             If you don’t exercise at all, start with 30
                                                            minutes, 5 times a week.
                                                            Reward yourself
                                                            Celebrate the milestones, reward yourself
                                                            for every kilo you lose, for the blood
                                                            pressure that gets controlled. The reward
                                                            often motivates you to take the next step.

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