Page 20 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 20


         Habits bad

         for the heart

         Knowingly or unknowingly, we indulge in habits that could cause harm to
         our hearts, writes Dr Nandini Saini

         The heart is one of the most important             saturated fats and Trans fats- reduces HDL
         organs in the human body, beating                  levels. Trans fats, those found I processed
         continuously, and pumping blood around             foods, cannot get digested by the body.
         the body. We should be taking care that            Alcohol
         it’s maintained at its healthiest. Yet,            A little alcohol may be good for you; large
         knowingly or unknowingly, we indulge in            quantities can be harmful. Excessive
         habits that could cause harm.                      alcohol can give rise to hyper lipedema and
         Stress                                             hypertension. It can also cause obesity,
          Stress is a part of our lives, but some of us     which puts your heart at risk
         get affected more than others. Stress causes       Inadequate sleep
         inflammation in the body, which can result         Sleep impacts the functioning of the heart.
         in complications such as hypertension              Research has linked inadequate sleep with
         and low HDL levels .Besides, a stressed            hypertension. Our blood pressure tends to
         out body releases cortisol, a hormone              reduce when we sleep; also, our muscles
         causing hypertension, hyperlipidemia and           and body tissues repair themselves.
         diabetes.                                          Insomnia tends to cause hypertension,
          Stress also has a toll on the lifestyle -         making the heart pump harder.
         people become withdrawn, stop eating or            Too much salt
         binge eat, stop exercises. All of these can        Salt, though an important and integral
         contribute to heart disease.                       part of our diet should be consumed with
         Poor diet                                          caution. An increased salt intake causes
         Diet is an important part of keeping               hypertension, with a risk of strokes, or a
         the heart healthy. A poor diet- high in            myocardial infarct.

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