Page 23 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 23

Get support
         Do not hesitate to get support if you cannot
         get things under control. Talking to a
         physician can help guide you to the right
         decision, for your health.
         Being stressed and depressed can take
         a toll on your heart; try to consult a
         counselor who can help you treat your
         Stay on track
         Falling off the rails is fairly easy, but try
         to stay on track as far as your health is
         concerned- take your medication on time,
         keep aside time for exercise, resist the fast
         Regular investigations
         Do not run away from tests that tell you
         the status of your health. They help guide
         you and the physician, towards the best
         treatment to keep you healthy.                     Reduce the alcohol
         Floss everyday                                     Drinking a couple of glasses, once in
         It seems like a mundane point, but flossing        a while, is fine. However, try to avoid
         everyday prevents plaque formation and             indulging in alcohol daily.
         infections in the gums, and helps keep the         Stop the smoking
         heart safe.                                        Smoking, even passive smoking, can be
         Control the salt                                   very dangerous for the heart and lungs. It
         The recommended salt intake is about               should be stopped completely.
         1500 mg per day. That’s just about 1 tsp of        A few lifestyle changes can make a large
         salt spread across all your meals. Try to          difference to your heart’s health. Take the
         avoid any more.                                    first step, it’s the most difficult.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #42 | DECEMBER 2022                                                           23
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