Page 34 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 34

here. Built between 12th and 13th Century
         it was dedicated to King Jayavarman VII’s
         mother. This haunting beauty, a 600 room
         structure had a population of over 70,000
         people. The temple was home to high
         priests, monks, dancers and labours. It
         was a powerhouse which controlled great
         wealth in gold and jewels and roughly
         3000 villages nearby!

          Another awe inspiring structure is the
         BAYON temple with its giant smiling
         stone faces. It is at the centre of King
         Jayavarman’s capital Angkor Thom, and
         the last one to be built in Angkor. It is
         the only temple to be built primarily as
         a Mahayana Buddhist shrine dedicated               Vishnu. It is believed to have taken 30
         to the Buddha. Following Jayavarman’s              years to build. It was later dedicated
         death, it was modified by Hindu and                to Buddhism and is the only one of the
         Theravada Kings in accordance to their             Angkorian Temples to remain in religious
         religious preferences.  The similarity of          use throughout the centuries. Even now
         the 216 serene and gigantic faces to the           hordes of people visit the temple for
         other statues of Jayavarman VII’s has              religious ceremonies especially during
         led many scholars to deduce that these             the period when they celebrate the festival
         are representations of the king himself.           of the dead (akin to the shraad or Pitru
         Others believe that the faces belong               Paksh in India). Unusual for a Khmer
         to Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of              temple, it is oriented to the West, which
         compassion.                                        has led experts to believe it was a funeral
          In the 11th century King Suryavarman              temple for King Suryavarman II, because
         II founded a glorious dynasty during his           it faces the setting sun. Also bas reliefs are
         reign. The Angkor Wat Temple built by              designed to be viewed from left to right in
         him is the largest and the most important          keeping with Hindu death rituals. Just like
         of these temples. Full of courtyards               the Indian Hindus 16 days are earmarked
         and carvings, it was dedicated to Lord             to remember and celebrate the paternal

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