Page 33 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 33

married a Naga Princess Soma from                  power struggle between these two and the
         the Cambodian island. She was the first            local royalty and finally Buddhism won
         monarch of Cambodia as well as the first           - and stayed on  till now despite having
         female leader as the consort of Kaundinya.         different factions. Even today Buddhism is
         There are many legends and variations              the most prominent. There are few Hindus,
         on how the two met… but all confirm                but the monuments, culture and artefacts
         their marriage, including some Chinese             have survived and are respectfully looked
         texts. Most accounts undoubtedly reflect           after and maintained.
         historical events from the 1st Century AD           Incidentally it give me a very good and
         relating to the process of Indianisation, the      proud feeling to see that the Archaeological
         influx of Indian religion, folklore, political     Survey of India is now helping restore,
         and legal theories and other cultural              reconstruct, renovate and maintain the
         elements brought by Indians into Southeast         temple monuments even the Buddhist ones.
         Asia. During a visit to India in 1955, the         All the massive structures and monuments
         Cambodian statesman Norodom Sihanouk               are loosely grouped as Angkor Wat.
         had said “We (India and Cambodia) are              The magnificent Angkor Wat - Heritage
         cousins, Khmer civilisation is the child           of Humanity and World Wonder is an
         of India’s civilisation, and we are proud          exotic tourist destination listed as the 7th
         of it.” His wife Norodom Monineath has             Wonder of the World. This majestic temple
         worked hard to popularise the story of             continues to amaze and delight visitors.
         Preah Thong and Neang Neak – the Khmer              In the region during the 6th and 7th
         names for Kaundinya and Soma, through              Centuries there were many waring states
         a dance drama which is performed across            who had dynastic rivalries and eventually
         the world by the Royal Ballet of Cambodia.         disintegrated. The region was later
         The Cambodians believe that the Khmers             united in the 8th Century CE under King
         were the direct descendants of these two -         Jayavarman II (802-850) who established
         Kaundinya and Soma.                                the whole thing up when he built one of his
          Since then Hinduism was introduced and            residences on the plateau of Kulen, and the
         thrived as more and more people adopted            famous Angkorian period began. At the
         it. Indians were welcomed in Cambodia              beginning of the 9th century the Angkorian
         as they went in large numbers for trade,           kings set up their capital near modern day
         taking with them lots and lots of gold,            Siem Reap and for 600 years they built
         hence a thriving trade was established.            one temple after another each grander than
         Hinduism is known as the oldest religion in        the last. Two hundred such big and small
         the world and this way of life was so strong       temples survive today, spread over a 400
         that it was adopted by adjoining regions. In       square kilometres.
         Cambodia are many temples that date back            These magnificent temples around Siem
         to the 10th and 12th Century.                      Reap were abandoned centuries ago by the
          After Hinduism, Buddhism also travel              Khmer kingdom and are now surrounded
         to Cambodia from India. There were                 by lush green forests – with huge trees
         many factions in both these religions due          growing on the monuments. TA PROHM
         to different ideologies, soon they started         particularly is so amazing that a Hollywood
         fighting for power. It was a three sided           movie of 2001 - TOMB RAIDER was shot

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