Page 25 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 25

This acquisition led to Kanoria meeting            forward to multiple opportunities, where
         Mr. Tata heralding with it memories and            they would have had little to none.
         learnings that would last a lifetime. “He            His passion for stacking up cool
         had so much to share, so much wisdom               collectibles, be it art, watches, pens,
         wrapped in humility,” remarks Kanoria.             jewellery or cars, led  up to Hemant
          Amidst the art and innovation, and an             Kanoria’s tryst with the late Ratan Tata.
         India 1st innovation, there he was—a titan          Says Kanoria, “Our 1st drive in that
         of industry, yet so incredibly down-to-            car was special and will always be. The
         earth.                                             achievement of building this - an India 1st
          Hemant Kanoria himself, is a self-made            innovation, plus the thought behind why
         man, a CMD of a manufacturing business,            all his might was put behind building this
         Bharat Containers P Ltd. He started                car will always inspire me.
         working at age 16, as in his words, “I was
         no good in studies and always interested
         in some or the other activity. So I barely
         managed to do a B Com.” Fifty Three years
         on (since 1971), his company manufactures
         Aluminium Aerosol cans widely used by
         the FMCG and Pharma industries. “We
         employ around 500 people. Some of our
         customers include Fogg, Denver, Old
         Spice Wildstone, Gillette in the personal
         products category and Moov and Volini in
         the Pharma sector,” adds Kanoria.

                                                              One thing I regret? Not taking more
                                                             Not for the likes or the shares, but for
                                                            the personal memory—a keepsake of an
           Like the true blue hard working business         encounter with someone who profoundly
         community of this great city, Kanoria              inspired me.
         admits to his inability to sit idle and or          This experience taught me a valuable
         sit and read a book.  “Our family runs a           lesson:
         Girls school, started by my grandfather,            Don’t let life’s fleeting moments slip away
         and now sponsored largely by me. It offers         unnoticed.
         free education for girls right up to the 12th       Be approachable regardless of stature.
         standard. Madan Mohan Kanoria Balika                 If there’s one thing we can learn from Mr.
         Inter College at Farukkabad, is proud              Tata’s legacy, it’s to be present, to listen,
         to support young ladies who can look               and to value the connections we make.”

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #66 | DECEMBER 2024                                                           25
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