Page 26 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 26

Mind Matters

         Your Attitude Determines

         Your Happiness NOT Your


         Dr Monika Dass advises us on how to level up our thinking framework and
         enjoy being happy

         We often hear the phrase, “Happiness is an         on how we are when we are happy.
         attitude.” What exactly does it mean? How           So, let’s look at an alternative: Happiness
         can happiness be both an emotional end-            comes more easily to those who have
         state (as we know it to be) and an attitude -      adopted a certain way of looking at things.
         which is more like an opinion or judgment          In this view, attitude precedes - and
         - at the same time?                                determines - the quality of our emotional
          We know that when we are happy, we                state.
         look at the world differently, through              At one level, it should be easy to
         rose-tinted glasses as it were. We are more        understand how our attitudes can shape
         generous, expansive, and gregarious, and           our emotions. Findings show that every
         less prone to making negative judgments.           time we experience an emotion - be it
         So, being in a “happy state” leads to a            anger, anxiety, sadness, happiness, joy,
         certain way of looking at things, a certain        love, or pride - it is always preceded by
         attitude, if you will. Is that what people         a set of thoughts that are unique to that
         mean when they say happiness is an                 emotion. For example, you may have felt
         attitude - that being happy leads to a             anxious during a taxi ride to the airport
         certain way of looking at things? If so, the       because you were not sure if you would
         statement is not useful, since it does not tell    make it to your flight on time. In this case,
         us how to be happy. It merely sheds light          the anxiety was preceded by thoughts

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