Page 30 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 30
5 Wireless TV Headphones
for Seniors That Enhance the
TV-Watching Experience
New options allow you to dial into the dialogue so you can enjoy your
favorite shows, writes Karishma Joshi
Wireless TV headphones can breathe frequencies, so that voices pop against the
new life into your AV experience. These background noise. They also let you adjust
devices boost audio performance, offer the volume on the control panel without
supreme comfort for hours at a stretch, and affecting the overall TV volume. Basically,
allow users to binge-watch their favorite the headphones create a personalised
programs without disturbing others. Plus, hearing environment.
with no long wires connecting the viewer Sold yet? We’ve rounded up some of
to the screen, it’s possible to move around the best wireless TV headphones on the
the house during a show or movie and still market. So grab the remote and enjoy.
keep track of what’s going on.
They’re also a godsend for viewers Top 5 Wireless TV Headphones
who are experiencing mild hearing loss. 1. TV Ears Digital 11741 Headphones (Best
Multiple studies confirm that hearing Overall)
range decreases after 40, which can make
it challenging to hear dialogues, especially
if there is background noise in the room.
With these headphones, there’s no need to
crank up the volume. Goodbye, blaring TV! Image Courtesy:
Wireless TV headphones are specially
designed with built-in speech clarity
modes that selectively reinforce any lost