Page 27 - Seniors Today - December 2024
P. 27

pertaining to uncertainty about catching             There are four attitudes that are useful,
        your flight.                                       all of which share the common underlying
                                                           feature of directing thoughts toward a more
                                                           favorable perspective:
                                                             • The first is adopting a more favorable
                                                           perspective in interpreting the actions of
                                                           other people.
                                                             • The second attitude involves adopting
                                                           a more favorable interpretation in
                                                           forecasting the impact of a present outcome
                                                           on future outcomes.
                                                             • The third attitude is a variant of the first
                                                           two, but rather than focusing on other
                                                           people or on external events, it focuses on
                                                           internalised assumptions about what leads
                                                           to happiness.
          If emotions are always preceded by                 • Subscription to the three attitudes
        thoughts that are idiosyncratic to the             described thus far will eventually lead to
        emotion in question, it follows that we            the adoption of a fourth attitude: enhanced
        can change the emotion by changing the             confidence in your own ability to deal with
        thoughts. Theoretically speaking, we could         anything that life throws at you.
        experience an entirely different emotion             This is the single biggest determinant of
        by merely re-interpreting a situation. For         happiness. Why? For two reasons.
        instance, the anxiousness felt at getting to         • First, being confident about facing life’s
        the airport on time, could be replaced with        challenges generates positive emotions
        emotions such as being grateful that there         because the confidence will make you feel
        was “hardly any traffic which enabled you          more hopeful about the future, and will
        to get to the airport way ahead of time!”          thus enable you to look forward to life.
          Anytime you experience a negative                  • And second, being confident enhances
        emotion, all you need to do is to come up          the chances of making positive events
        with a more positive re-interpretation             happen in your life. This is not because
        of the event that induced the negative             of magic, but because of what is known
        emotion and voila, you will start feeling          as the hypothesis confirmation bias. The
        positive!                                          hypothesis confirmation bias refers to
          It is simple in concept but difficult            the following phenomenon: if you believe
        in practice. Furthermore, you may                  that a certain outcome will unfold (e.g., if
        wonder whether such positively biased              you believe that you will get a job or that
        re-interpretations are even desirable.             you will fail an exam), that outcome has
        You could argue that such positive                 a higher chance of occurring. In medical
        reinterpretations could lead you to become         circles, this is called the placebo effect. The
        a delusional personality - someone who             hypothesis confirmation bias has been
        does not see reality as it is. More about this     established so consistently and across such
        later.                                             a wide variety of contexts that I will not

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #66 | DECEMBER 2024                                                           27
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