Page 26 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 26
The elegant charm of Shillong goes far km from Shillong. Upon arrival at either
beyond the picture frame. Its wow factor airport, you’ll find taxis readily available.
lies in its lively culture and abundant
nature. Those ever ready to lace up their 7. Bodh Gaya (Bihar): A Spiritual
trekking boots, allowing nature to lead the Awakening
way, are in for a spectacular scenic surprise
at the Khasi Hills trek.
The roaring Elephant Falls is another
must-visit in Shillong, yet its three-level
stairway can be a bit much for seniors.
While accessing the first level is relatively
easy, evaluating your physical fitness
before venturing further below is advisable.
Shillong’s quaint local markets display
versatile textiles and handicrafts you can
take home as souvenirs, and the peaceful This one’s for the spiritual seekers looking
Umiam Lake sits smack in the middle of to intensify their longing at a culturally
towering hills. You can walk along the significant and strategic location where
bank, go boating, or engage in thrilling Lord Buddha himself is believed to
water sports. have attained enlightenment. There are
Best time to visit: The optimal seasons numerous temples and monasteries to visit.
for visiting Shillong are summer (March The Mahabodhi temple, well-known as the
to June) and winter (October to February), “Great Awakening Temple,” depicts Lord
both providing delightful weather Buddha’s life through detailed motifs and
conditions beautifully carved sculptures. As you close
Precautions for seniors: When travelling in on the space, a calming silence permeates
in summer, it’s advisable to pack light the area, allowing your mind to enter deep
clothes. Conversely, ensure you have meditative states.
warm woollen clothes, gloves, socks, and Other religious sites include the
other essentials for winter trips. Always Vishnupad temple, Mangala Gowri
carry an umbrella, as rain showers are temple, Jal mandir, Mithila Shakti Peeth,
unpredictable. While the waterfalls are Dungeshwari cave temple, and the list goes
stunning, remember they can also be on. Discussing spirituality is one matter,
slippery, so exercise caution. Booking a but living it is a narrative that is difficult to
private cab is the only viable choice since weave into words. Such is the vibrance of
public transport options are limited. Bodh Gaya; it leaves you speechless, quite
Best way to get to Shillong: Shillong literally.
Airport, situated 35 km away in Umroii, Best time to visit: The best months to visit
connects the hill station with Kolkata Bodh Gaya are October to March, with
through Air India regional flights. temperatures ranging from 4 to 28°C.
Travelers can also consider landing at Precautions for seniors: It’s best to carry
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International warm clothes as Bihar can be pretty
Airport in Guwahati, approximately 130 chilly from December to February. The