Page 30 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 30

that remained on the top selling charts for         The Fault In Our Stars (2012):
         months and was turned into a hit movie,                           Jon Green’s novel, aiming at
         was what is called a four-hanky weepie,                           a young adult readership,
         and has been copied ad nauseum by other                           is about two teenagers who
         writers, aiming for the market of soft-                           suffer from terminal illness.
         hearted readers.                                                  Hazel and Augustus, both
                                                                           awkward because of their
         Love In The Time Of Cholera (1985):                               unusual circumstances,
                         Gabrial Garcia Marquez’s           know they haven’t long to live, but want
                         richly-imagined novel is           to enjoy the highs of love while they still
                         about Florentino Ariza,            can. Even though it is about impending
                         who has been waiting for           tragedy, the book is lively, witty and full of
                         50 years for his true love         tenderness as the two teenagers love like
                         to return. While waiting,          there is no tomorrow, because for them,
                         he has several affairs,            there isn’t. The book became a best-seller,
         but remains devoted to his childhood               was made into a movie and is still popular
         sweetheart Fermina Daza. After half a              with young readers, and maybe older ones
         century, the man who married Fermina               too.
         dies. An elderly Florentino is free to
         declare his love, but does he deserve it?          Normal People (2018):
         A sad, funny and very readable novel                               Sally Rooney’s intricate
         of impossible love by the Nobel Prize-                             and intimate love story is
         winning Colombian writer.                                          about a mismatched couple,
                                                                            Marianne and Connell,
         The Notebook (1996):                                               whose passion waxes
                       Nicholas Sparks writes a                             and wanes, but they also
                       lot of romantic fiction, this                        share a closeness that is
                       one tops his popular list.           between love and friendship. The novel,
                       Noah and Allie are in love,          acclaimed as one of the best love stories
                       but fate, families and World         of the 21st century, it follows Marianne
                       War conspire to keep them            and Connell Waldron through secondary
                       apart. The story is narrated         school and college. There are issues of
         by an old man, who is caring for a woman           class differences, family complications
         suffering from dementia and the layers of          and the way two people who are obviously
         plot that have brought them to this point          made for each other, are unable to truly
         are uncovered gradually.  Readers who go           understand their own feelings or simplify
         for tear-jerkers, this simple plot of true love    the complexity of their relationship.
         that overcomes every hurdle is the ideal
         read, with many twists and an overdose
         of emotions. Melancholy yet uplifting, it
         is easy to say why it is loved by so many
         readers, while an equal number gag on its
         manipulative narration.

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