Page 28 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 28
Top 10 Romantic Books
When it comes to romantic story books, the classics endure for a reason,
writes Deepa Gahlot
Several generations of women (and secretly, modern—which is the mark of a
men) grew up on candy-sweet Mills & Boon, classic—even though the terribly sexist
Barbara Cartland, Georgette Heyer--mushy primogeniture laws have changed. It is
love stories, Regency romances, bodice- considered one of the greatest romantic
rippers and a whole lot of subgenres of novels of all time, and the outspoken
the broad themes of love. With modern heroine, Elizabeth Bennet, is a favourite.
times and changing attitudes, the M&B’s Her on-off, love-hate relationship with the
become more risqué and then with the Fifty uptight Mr Darcy, is what gives the novel
Shades trilogy, all bets were off. Still, the its edge. Even at a time when an unmarried
classics endure for a reason. woman had no future, for Elizabeth, her
A pick of 10 readable love stories, some old, self-respect and love was more important
some new: than a match of convenience. The appeal
Pride and Prejudice (1813): of the story is such that every few years,
This evergreen novel by there’s a movie or series coming out, based
Jane Austen has a zinger on it. Her other books make the cut too, but
of an opening line: “It this one is representative of her style.
is a truth universally
acknowledged, that a single Wuthering Heights (1847):
man in possession of a There are doomed romances and then
good fortune, must be in there’s the doomed-est of them all, the
want of a wife.” Published only novel by Emily Brontë. It charts the
in the 19th century, it is still remarkably tempestuous love story of Catherine and