Page 29 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 29

the brooding Heathcliff—          an author as masterly as Tolstoy could have
                         the prototype of dark and         written about the agony of love with such
                         vengeful fictional  heroes.       lyricism.
                         Intense, passionate, bitter
                         this gothic novel with its        Gone With the Wind (1936):
                         over dramatic structure,                           Margaret Mitchell wrote
                         has been recast into poems,                        just one novel, set during
         films, and modern-day recreations, since                           and after the devastation of
         the mix of tragedy and revenge never fades.                        the Civil War in America,
                                                                            but the sprawling epic won
         Jane Eyre (1847):                                                  several awards, become a
                          This Charlotte Bronte                             bestseller, and according to
                          novel often ties with Jane       the net, as of 2014, a poll found it to be the
                          Austen’s books for the most      second favourite book of American readers,
                          famous romantic novels           just behind the Bible;, more than 30 million
                          ever. The book follows the       copies have been printed worldwide. It
                          eponymous heroine from           depicts the struggles of Scarlett O’Hara, the
                          girlhood to adulthood, and       daughter of a plantation owner, who has to
                          her love for the aristocratic    work hard to keep poverty at bay, when her
         Mr Rochester, who could tie with Heathcliff       marriage ends in widowhood. The passion
         in the brooding hero race. Jane is an             she and the rakish Rhett Butler share
         orphan, who is treated very cruelly by her        is scandalous, but also racing towards
         relatives; she falls in love with Rochester,      heartbreak. Rhett utters the memorable
         but the path to that happy end (elusive in so     line, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a
         many classic love stories) is studded with        damn,” to a distraught Scarlett, but she is
         obstacles that she does manage to overcome        not broken by his indifference. The film
         with some help from luck.                         based on the novel, starring Vivien Leigh
                                                           and Clark Gable is an all -time masterpiece.
         Anna Karenina (1878):
                         Leo Tolstoy’s epic, a 800         Love Story (1970):
                         plus page door-stopper of a                        It would be considered
                         novel, is considered one of                        cheesy by many readers,
                         the best books ever written.                       but when it came out,
                         Set at the time of Imperial                        Erich Segal’s novel about
                         Russia, it narrated the                            the romance between rich
                         tragedy of the titular Anna,                       guy Oliver and Jenny,
                         a married woman, who falls                         daughter of a baker, was a
         helplessly in love with the handsome Count                         craze. Opposites attracted!
         Vronsky, and elopes with him. Looking              Against the wishes of Oliver’s father, the
         forward to a life of love and excitement,          two marry; he is cut off from the family
         she gets disappointment, social isolation          fortune. The two struggle but make a happy
         and regret that ends with the unforgettable        life for themselves till it is discovered that
         jumping-in-front-of-a-train suicide. Only          Jenny has terminal leukaemia. The book

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #56 | FEBRUARY 2024                                                           29
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