Page 33 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 33

heartbreak and grief with listeners. Among
                                                            the women moved by his story is journalist
                                                          Image courtesy: nzherald   to the straight-laced Walter, she proposes
                                                            Annie (Meg Ryan). Despite being engaged

                                                            to Sam that they meet atop the Empire
                                                            State Building on Valentine’s Day. Sam
                                                            receives hundreds of letters from women,

                                                            Meanwhile Sam is attracted to a woman he
         on a work-cum-socialising week, so after           but Jonah picks that one letter from Annie.
         a chance encounter, he hires Hollywood             spots in the city. Does magic happen?  Of
         Boulevard hooker Vivian Ward (Julia                course it does! A film that evokes enough
         Roberts) as his escort and gets her to move        sighs for multiple viewings.
         into his five star hotel suite. She is so
         beautiful and good-natured that he ends            Notting Hill (1999):
         up falling in love with her. She is new to
         Los Angeles and to the sex business, and to
         look the part of Edward’s date, she is given
         a transformation—there is the classic scene
         of a snooty boutique attendant snubbing                                                             Image courtesy:
         her, before she realizes her error. After
         living a week of luxury and privilege will
         Vivian be able to return to the streets?  If
         it is a woman as gorgeous as Julia Roberts
         with that blinding smile, is that even a           Richard Curtis, the master of romcoms
         valid question?                                    directed this sweet story about William
                                                            Thacker (Hugh Grant), a bookshop
         Sleepless In Seattle (1993):                       owner, and Anna Scott (Julia Roberts), a
                                                            beautiful and popular movie star.  They
                                                            meet casually and after a few minor
                                                            disasters, like him spilling orange juice
                                                            over her dress, they get along well. But
                                                            can a relationship between a modern-
                                                            day princess and a commoner survive—
                                                            especially under the glare of the tabloid
                                                            press? Then comes that immortal dialogue:
         Nora Ephron could do romance like no               William: I live in Notting Hill. You live
         other—lending humour and warmth even               in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world
         to romcom cliches. In this update of An            knows who you are, my mother has trouble
         Affair To Remember (1957), Tom Hanks               remembering my name.
         plays Sam, a lonely widower, whose cute             Anna: I’m also just a girl, standing in front
         eight-year-old  son Jonah calls up a radio         of a boy, asking him to love her.
         station to talk about his depressed, literally     Always has people reaching for their
         sleepless, father. Sam then shares his             hankies.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #56 | FEBRUARY 2024                                                           33
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