Page 39 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 39
some last the long haul. reading this narrative is entirely of one’s
Noteworthy- we don’t have any closet own imagination. I am perennially boggled
love or coming out love amongst actors and inspired by the human capacity to
here in India. There is not a single celebrity seek and find love, and am always happy
couple that is gay. That is not to say they when two kindred souls come together in
don’t exist. But the social fallout of open love. Love Is An Endless Journey -- and
admittance and the moral police make definitions of love may change on the
‘happily ever after’ an impossibility here. surface. But at the core, it’s very simple.
A fact that is peculiar to India. Around the The quest to find and match one’s yin or
world, many celebrity same sex couples yang takes a lifetime.
live in love openly, and dedicate their lives For the absolute present, there’s Tinder,
to their partners, without fear of censure of Bumble, Aisle, Hinge, Grindr and a whole
image damage. host of apps that will show you the way to
Love makes the world go round and my love.
head spin. Any cynicism experienced in Happy Valentine’s Day!