Page 42 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 42
death. Vikas and Vikas knew that they will NGO job in a month’s time along with
have to decide on their own and set a time her colleague and start her own not- for-
table for themselves. But both realised that profit organisation in a rural area catering
they have to become asset light if they have to educating orphaned girls and making
to see the light in their sunset days. them contributors to nation building. She
For a starter, Vikas and Vikas sold off shared with them her well thought out
their practice to a large international firm, plans and how she will be going about it,
who were wanting a footprint in India, starting with raising funds for the project,
for a surprising tidy sum with sufficient with the help of her colleague whom she is
zeros in it, thanks to their advisors. They fond of and trusts. Manik was confidence
were feeling light enough, with this major personified as she explained everything to
decision of letting go their practice, to zip Vikas and Vikas in minute details, not just
off often to Lonavala for a week to just about her inchoate organisation, but her
enjoy everything that nothing can bring prospective life partner as well. Over the
about in their lives. They soon followed next few days of her stay with them, it was
it up with decluttering their apartment apparent that Manik had made up her mind
in Mumbai and their getaway second and determined to make her social project
home in Lonavala, by giving away many a success. Vikas and Vikas blessed her and
of their homely accoutrements to friends assured Manik of all their support as she
and relatives and auctioning off their art embarks on her new journey. They were
collection and donating the proceeds to exceptionally proud of Manik for thinking
causes that were dear to them. The relative of doing what she intends to do and could
minimalism in their lives, as a result of not hold back their tears of joy. She was in a
all these actions, brought about a sense of way giving them a solution unknowingly.
satisfaction and joy in Vikas and Vikas’
lives that they had never felt before.
It was the monsoon times in Mumbai and
Vikas and Vikas were enjoying the windy
sprays of the heavy rains in the balcony of
their Mumbai home. They were thinking
about their children and grandchildren in
Germany and about Manik. It had been
nearly eight months since she had last
called or dropped in and this was worrying
them no end, though they kept reassuring
each other. As if thoughts and energies After Manik left to go back to her work and
travel, they heard the doorbell only to the drawing board, Vikas and Vikas had a
find a beaming Manik standing at their long conversation with their children and
doorsteps all drenched and cold. Their joy advisers. They soon called Manik and asked
knew no bounds and they just embraced her to come over to Lonavala for a stay at
her. After a hot shower and a round of their cosy home and visit the registration
piping hot tea and pakoras, Manik excitedly office. The Lonavala land was all hers to set
told them that she had decided to quit her up the trust to start the school.