Page 41 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 41

Over their two scores span of marital and        regularly and keep them posted about all
         professional partnership, Vikas and Vikas         the developments on her social work front.
         had nurtured a strong network of friends,         Manik would often travel to various cities
         nourished NGOs and flourished in their            and rural areas of India as a part of her
         practice of building offices and homes and        work to get a real understanding of issues
         in the process many hearths and much              facing children and how her NGO could
         warmth. They were fortunate to have               help their cause. Not surprisingly, over a
         acquired a cross-ventilated apartment in          period of time, as years flew by and given
         a central location, with expansive views of       the itinerant nature of her work and her
         the rising sun from beyond the mountains          passion, Manik would go incommunicado
         and the setting sun over the placid sea           for long periods of time.
         disappearing into the horizon. They had
         also presciently invested earlier on in a
         huge parcel of land abutting the Pawna lake
         in Lonavala, where they had built a small
         weekend getaway.
          Cognizant of the milieu of disparity
         and deprivation in large sections of the
         society and impelled by their own sense of
         responsibility, Vikas and Vikas had  taken
         under their wings Manik, an orphaned girl,          Vikas and Vikas were contemplating
         all of 7 years, responding to an appeal in        their own future having got used to an
         the papers by the police following the tragic     empty homestead with their children
         death of her parents in a road accident.          having become German citizens and Manik
         Manik, was much younger to Vikas’ own             busy as ever in her social work. They had
         children, who were by that time doing             peaked in their profession and had no
         their graduation in faraway colleges. They        further milestones to chase nor were they
         brought up Manik with all the love and            enthused any longer in staying the course.
         care like biological parents would do and         They were in fact getting overwhelmed
         ensured her education in a good school            with all that they had built over the years
         followed by admission into a famed college        – a roaring money spinning practice, a
         from where she graduated with degrees in          palatial apartment in Mumbai, a large
         social studies and public policy. They also       land in Lonavala and huge investments
         made conscious efforts to ensure that Manik       – much more than they ever will need in
         got to know their own grown up children           the remainder of their lives nor will their
         well and develop a relationship with them         children ever need, successful that they
         through regular visits and travels together.      were on their own in Germany.
         Manik had grown into a confident woman              Different points of views from friends and
         and expressed a desire to work in the social      well-wishers were more confusing than
         sector and soon took off to work with a           resolving. Their financial and legal advisors
         well-known NGO based in Delhi, devoted            had typical unidimensional views  of what
         to the cause of child welfare. Manik would        to do with their estate and how to will it
         stay in touch with her foster parents             right, as though one can control wealth after

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #56 | FEBRUARY 2024                                                           41
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