Page 40 - Seniorstoday February 2024 Issue
P. 40
Alaimentary - A Story of a Tale - 11
Nothing is Everything
Both Vikas and Vikas realised that they have to become asset light if they have to see
the light in their sunset days, writes Nagesh Alai
Vikas and Vikas Vajpayee had returned their birthdays and alma mater as well,
some months ago from their annual trip having cupid strike them in Sir J J College
to Berlin and Munich to spend time with of Architecture, where they had studied. A
their son and daughter and their adorable common name and birthday had ensured
grandchildren. Their son and daughter endless comedy of errors and laughs in
were researchers in molecular science, both social situations as they effloresced in an
having qualified from the Indian Institute alchemy of architecture and went about
of Science in Bengaluru and earlier on in finding and founding their life purpose.
life had decided to migrate to Germany for Early on their journey, like minded that
further studies and make a mark there. As they were, they had distributed their time
providence would have it, their son and equally between commercial and social
daughter had soon found their respective practice, giving back to the society in the
soul mates, who also happened to be form of active engagement with several
siblings, but of German stock, whilst doing NGOs including pro-bono designing and
their studies. Vikas and Vikas saw it as not build-up of facilities and funding support
just as a marriage of two sets of siblings, but across humanitarian causes.
also as an Indo-German fusion of cultures.
Their children and children-in-law were
making rapid advances as scientists and led
a family life of affinity and affection.
Vikas and Vikas essayed a life of joy and
laughter. Everything in life was a humour
for them, starting with their appellation.
They shared not just their names, but