Page 12 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 12
helping set up the Epic television network. and visionary. Membership of some key
It is because despite enormous wealth and committees with the Indian government
legacy, which combine to make him what endows him with unofficial consultancy
he is today, he stays grounded, vulnerable power. His expertise in finance, business,
and open to his emotions. People love rise and fall of real estate prices, and value
stories where they can relate to someone, of land, make him the go-to banker for
despite generational, financial, educational, policy makers and the government.
and other differences. It’s the emotional For Parekh, being approachable is
quotient that ultimately brings people important and he has an open-door policy –
closer to Mahindra. anyone, irrespective of their hierarchy, can
meet him.
18. Sanjiv Goenka, 62, Industrialist Parekh’s key management advice? Guard
The RPSG Group against greed, excess leverage, and short-
headed by Kolkata- cuts. Honesty, integrity and humility are
based businessman time-tested traits and there is no softer
Sanjiv Goenka used to pillow to lay your head upon at night than a
be dependent on the clear conscience.
power sector which
contributed to 80% 20. Adi Godrej, 79, Industrialist
of the company’s revenues. Today the Godrej was literally
122 CESC has been restructured into four born with a silver
separate companies. spoon in his mouth.
Although the group’s entry to the FMCG The Godrej family
snacks (Too Yumm!) business is new, is the pioneer of
Goenka has been bullish about its future. the largest Indian
Goenka’s interests in media and sports conglomerate, which
are well-known, the most recent being the deals in a wide range of sectors including
Lucknow franchise of the Indian Premier FMCG, real estate, industrial engineering
League. and appliances and furniture. His ancestry
Quoted in ET’s Panache as saying, “The is worth gold to the western part of India
way I see it, my business can be defined in particular. Under the guidance of Adi
into two categories: one was what I Godrej, the company is a member of the
inherited and the other is what I have done prestigious ‘100 billion’ club and has plans to
with the inheritance.” Indeed. expand into regions beyond the Asia Pacific.
Late last year, Adi Godrej stepped
19. Deepak Parekh, 77, Banker down as the chairman of GIL to serve as
As Chairman of chairman of the Godrej Group and chairman
Housing Development emeritus of GIL. The outcome of the formal
Finance Corporation division of the $4.1 billion Godrej Group
(HDFC), Parekh has notwithstanding, you can be sure Adi will
combined grit and continue to wear his power in a manner
determination with an that exemplifies the man: soft, precise and
intellect that is sharp discreet.