Page 16 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 16
high-profile one – He has been recognised as one of “The
are tags that Harish Game Changers of India, 2018” by The
Salve is used to. Economic Times.
Salve has earned
his mettle with 34. Sunita Narain, 62, Environmentalist
cases fought in the We are not at
Supreme and High peace with nature
Courts. He has represented high-profile — is the title of
clients like Mulayam Singh Yadav, Prakash Narain’s closing
Singh Badal and Lalit Modi. Harish Salve blog of 2021.
is also known for his spectacular success What can I
in the Vodafone matter and recently in wish for in the
Kulbhushan case. middle of a
‘’ From Nani Palkhivala I learnt that pandemic? It is not going to be a “new” year
genius is a lot of hard work. It entails if we continue with our foolish ways of
having the capacity to do what people managing the planet, she adds.
find boring, that is where you hone your “In our highly uncertain world, there is
attention to detail. Palkhivala taught me to only one certainty now — nature is on a
make excellence an end unto itself. He used rampage, telling us that enough is enough.”
to say that the measure of how well you’ve “A country’s success in containing
argued in court comes not from the decision the virulence of the disease lies in its
of the court, but from how you personally investment in society-wide public
feel you’ve performed. He opened up a healthcare systems, and that these need to
whole new dimension of the world before be at the primary level, accessible, available
me,” he says. and staffed to meet the needs of all. This
then is where the focus needs to be, even as
33. Shardul Shroff, 61, Corporate we ride over to the next variant.”
Lawyer In matters of sustainability and the
As a thought environment you don’t mess with Narain.
leader in the Now only if the government would listen…
legal domain,
Shroff has been 35. Yusuf Hamied, 84, Industrialist
consistently Polish-born Indian
rated as a leading scientist and
corporate and businessperson
M&A lawyer, Dr Yusuf Khwaja
both internationally, and here in India. Hamied is
After breaking away from his brother to Non-Executive
form Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, Chairman of Cipla,
Shroff soared to even greater heights a pharma major
representing the cutting-edge of legal founded by his father. A world-renowned
expertise, with a slew of high profile clients scientist, Dr Hamied obtained his PhD
which includes Facebook. in organic chemistry in 1960 from the