Page 14 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 14

with the state government across 21 states                                   revolutionised
         in India to support health and welfare,                                      television
         education and provide safe drinking                                          broadcasting in
         water for the poor amongst other social                                      India with Zee
         responsibilities.                                                            Entertainment.
          Talking about his learnings derived from                                    Chandra is the
         the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Piramal Group                                      quintessential
         chairman and philanthropist Piramal has                                      maverick
         said: “Courage, fearless attitude and focus        personality with his successful
         on the actions are some of the key points          entertainment and news channels. Even
         that the holy book outlines.”                      though Zee Entertainment has inked a
                                                            merger deal with Sony Pictures, Chandra
         25.  Dr Devi Shetty, 67, Doctor,                   will continue to be a force to reckon with in
         Entrepreneur                                       the Indian media.
                                  Devi Prasad Shetty,        Interestingly, Chandra began as a rice
                                  MS, FRCS, is a            trader, but a lot of what he touched worked
                                  leading cardiac           wonders: Essel Packaging, amusement
                                  surgeon and               park Esselworld, etc.
                                  entrepreneur. He
                                  is the chairman          27. Shobhana Bhartia, 65, Media Baron
                                  and founder                                        She is the
                                  of Narayana                                        Chairperson and
         Health, a chain of 21 medical centres. He                                   editorial director
         has performed more than 15,000 heart                                        of HT Media.
         operations, and his quest has been to make                                  Rebranding the
         cardiac surgeries as low cost as possible,                                  publication into
         so as to offer it to sections of society who                                HT – bright, young
         need it most but find it unaffordable. Last                                 media – was
         year, he expanded his healthcare company,          Bhartia’s brainchild. HT is the second-most
         which is now listed on the stock exchange.         influential English newspaper in India, and
          A big player in the fight against Covid-19,       Hindustan is one of the top Hindi dailies.
         Dr Shetty’s initiative “Vaccination on             HT online digital media spans Hindustan
         Wheels” featured Volvo buses with                  Times, Livemint, Desimartini, HT Campus
         refrigeration facility and cold chain, doctors     and Shine. HT media also has radio stations
         and nurses to reach out to villages and            – Fever FM, Radio Nasha, and Radio One. It
         support as many people as possible with            also has a podcast – HT Smart, India’s first
         “the vaccine against death” as he terms it.        podcast with AI voices.

         26. Subhash Chandra, 71, Media Baron               28. Sanjiv Mehta, 62, Chairman and
         Essel Group, headed by Chandra,                    Managing Director of Hindustan
         spans over Zee Entertainment and Zee               Unilever Limited (HUL)
         Media, Dish TV and Siti Networks – a                Sanjiv Mehta, President, Unilever South
         multi-system operator. The company                 Asia and Chair and Managing Director,

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