Page 13 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 13

21.  Kiran & Shiv Nadar, 71 & 76,                 digital television, banking and more.
                               Philanthropist &              Mittal too, speaks of an up-and-down
                               Industrialist               journey, of life being a great leveller, of
                               Known popularly             working hard and sacrificing harder to
                               as the power                build when the chips were down. During
                               couple, Kiran is a          the Covid crisis, Bharti Enterprises stepped
                               philanthropist and          in to give Rs 100 cr to the PM fund, buy
                               an art collector, while     masks, etc. Mittal has proved yet again, that
         Shiv Nadar has handed over the reins of           he stands by his fellow men when they’ve
         Chairman of HCL Technologies, after four          needed him most.
         decades to his daughter Roshini Nadar
         Malhotra.                                          23. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 61,
          He’s described his ability as an                  Stockbroker
         entrepreneur as flexible, alert, aggressive,                              Most often described
         inspiring and positive and using every low                                as the investor with
         as a learning opportunity to bounce back.                                 the Midas touch
         Today, he inspires millions of young adults                               and often compared
         to follow their dream.                                                    with Warren Buffet,
          The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art                                            Jhunjhunwala has
         has emerged as India’s first private                                      a rare gift. Maybe
         philanthropic museum, promoting                                           that’s why he named
         contemporary and modern art from                   his company Rare Enterprises!
         India and the subcontinent. Shiv Nadar              He has an admirable spirit and that,
         University is a philanthropic multi-               combined with all the planets in his
         disciplinary research institution with a           house of money, have seen him amass a
         vision to nurture the leaders of tomorrow.         substantial net worth to the tune of $3.2
          The Nadars believe in the philosophy              billion.
         of ‘Creative Philanthropy’ that will yield          Needless to say, the stock market
         long-term, high impact, socio-economic             transmits Jhunjhunwala’s energies, and
         transformation.                                    these energies are certain to rise sky high
                                                            along with his new venture Akasa Air, due
         22.  Sunil Mittal, 64, Industrialist               to launch this summer.
                                Telecom tycoon
                                Mittal owns Bharti           24. Ajay Piramal, 65, Industrialist
                                Enterprises which                                  Piramal Group is
                                spans over telecom,                                a multinational
                                insurance, real                                    industry that covers
                                estate, hospitality                                pharmaceuticals,
                                and more. Airtel is                                healthcare, cosmetics,
                                a pioneer of telecom                               glass packaging,
         service provider that has expanded into                                   financial services and
         multimedia such as satellite television,           real estate.
         broadband services, high speed internet,           The Piramal Foundation works in tandem

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #31 | JANUARY 2022                                                            13
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