Page 21 - Seniorstoday January 2023 Issue
P. 21

very short time, however, the Captain              the Bransfield Strait, we were lucky to
         called the zodiacs back to the ship as the         encounter several Fin Whales, the second
         weather Gods whipped up their wind                 largest animal on the planet – average size
         dance.                                             being 70 ft and weight 45 tons.
                                                             A fitting end to the day. The wind had
         Day 18                                             picked up considerably as the Ortelius
         Friday, 11 November 2022                           turned North to journey towards Drake’s
         Wind force – 7-8, Weather – Snow                   Passage.
         Our final day in the South Shetlands saw us        Day 19
         sailing through a very narrow, spectacular         Saturday, 12  November
         passage called “Neptunes Bellows” into the         Wind force 7, sea state – moderate
         flooded caldera of the island. The volcano         AT SEA – DRAKES PASSAGE
         of the island is still active with geothermal      Drake’s Passage is known to be the most
         activity present inside the caldera. The sea       dangerous and treacherous sea stretch in
         water temperature around here can reach            the world. It is said that if you are lucky,
         70˚C.                                              you will sail through “Drakes Lake”
                                                            (calm waters). If not, you will experience
                                                            “Drake’s Shake” which means, go through
                                                            a nightmare of stormy and violent
                                                            weather. We were lucky to sail through a
                                                            calm passage (already having survived 3
                                                            hurricanes). A few fortunate passengers
                                                            caught glimpses of Humpback Whales and
                                                            very distant whale blows.
                                                            Calm seas and a relaxed second last day
         Chinstrap Penguins
                                                            saw the bar at peak attendance starting
                                                            early evening. The mood was “elation” and
                                                            the bar was swinging.

                                                            Day 20
                                                            Sunday, 13 November 2022
                                                            Wind force – 2, Sea state - Calm
                                                            AT SEA – DRAKES PASSAGE
                                                            The most notorious body of water in the
                                                            world was in a quiet, gentle mood. The sun
         Deception Island                                   shone down, and the temperature showed
          Bleached whale bones and rusted oil               12˚C. We had crossed the Antarctic
         tanks, among other artifacts lay on the            Convergence and returned to a more
         volcanic black sand beach. Large patches of        temperate region.
         Krill, fried by the high water temperatures         As Cape Horn appeared on the horizon,
         lay scattered amidst the Chinstraps,               bird life increased, and we had a never-
         Gentoos and Adelies. Moving out into               ending escort of sea-birds. Magical!!

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